wkwkwkwk..hari gini cari low risk...berarti juga low return... kalau high risk biasanya high return... tapi kalo mau untung dikit sih nggak masalah..
tergantung masing2 --- On Tue, 2/9/10, Rei <highwaysta...@gmail.com> wrote: From: Rei <highwaysta...@gmail.com> Subject: Re: [ob] LOW RISK stock To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com Date: Tuesday, February 9, 2010, 5:29 PM Benar atau salah, tidak masalah...yang penting sudah sharing. Kalo benar baru boleh "I tot U" yg keras2...hehehe On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 7:49 AM, anrusing data <anru.s...@gmail. com> wrote: mantap... dijawab dg langsung angka... kita buktikan kehandalannya hari ini... good luck 4 hepisaham... . On 10 February 2010 08:44, HepisahaM <hepisa...@gmail. com> wrote: Ayang-ayang obers-Ku, Mohon maaf bila email ini mengganggu : For info only, Hasil deteksi RBT system, peak/trough/ close atas bbp saham kategori low risk. Saham (peak/trough/ close). Intp (13450/12900/ 13300). Itmg (32300/30950/ 29600). Indf (3650/3400/3575) . Lsip(8750/8300/ 8500). Bmri (4725/4575/4375) . Buy : -utk bottom fisher : saat break trough Up -ut break peak trader : saat break peak Selalu jaga level exit utk antisipasi harga balik arah. Exit : -when break trough or initial stop loss (-5% dari level buy). For inquiry pls send an email to hepitra...@gmail. com agar tdk menganggu trafik milis. Kami akan response setelah market tutup. Disclaimer strongly on. with kind regards hepisaham Buy only Stock when HEPI RISK LEVEL is LOW Powered by Risk Based Trading System (RBTS) Facebook : hepisaham -- Sent from my coal-powered phone.