Buat P Hmin apa sih yang ga bisa? Hahahaha.
Itungan Nin yang TP Bumi 3700 udah Nin kirim kmrn sore, ya? Selama global ga 
aneh2, rasanya cepet kok tercapai. Bumi gitu loh...

Ya, P Hmin, STRONG BUY.......

Salam penuh harap dan doa,

Nin & crew C-9

facebook: Nindya Gracia

***only from the heart one can see clearly***

-----Original Message-----
From: Cougar Boy <boysngi...@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 2010 04:57:05 
To: <obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com>
Subject: Re: [ob] Lukisan BUMI

Kalau bisa 3700..

ntar chart weekly berubah lagi lho...

jadi cup & handle dengan target

3475 + (3475-385) = 6565

keren kan....


2010/2/9 Nindya G <nind...@yahoo.com>

> Dear Bang Ian,
> Setuju, deh bang. Nin pikir malah 3700. Ntar Nin cari arsip chart Nin yang
> Bumi TP 3700, ya? Perlu Nin aduk2, nih.....
> Salam penuh harap,
> Nin & Club-9
> The Winning Trader Club
> http://club9saham.blogspot.com/
> facebook: Nindya Gracia
> ***Injustice flourishes not because there are too many bad guys out there
> but because there are too many good guys who do not want to fight for
> justice***
> --- On *Tue, 2/9/10, Irwan Napitupulu <irwannapitup...@gmail.com>* wrote:
> From: Irwan Napitupulu <irwannapitup...@gmail.com>
> Subject: [ob] Lukisan BUMI
> To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
> Date: Tuesday, February 9, 2010, 10:24 AM
> Kalau dilukis seperti ini, bagus ngga dilihatnya? :)
> Kalau dilihat timeframe nya, sepertinya pas Obama ada di SDN Menteng :)

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