Hexagram 30.5 (Fire) - iching plum blossom method His tears streamed forth as though to extinquish his piteous sighs - good fortune. This good fortune stems from the rulers.
- [ob] IDX NEXT WEEK UP TO 12 FEB iching_prediction
- Re: [ob] IDX NEXT WEEK UP TO 12 FEB untarmanz
- [ob] Re: IDX NEXT WEEK UP TO 12 FEB zero25758
- [ob] Re: IDX NEXT WEEK UP TO 12 FEB iching_prediction
- Bls: [ob] Re: IDX NEXT WEEK UP TO 12 FEB dario kurniawan
- [ob] Re: IDX NEXT WEEK UP TO 12 FEB iching_prediction
- [ob] Re: IDX NEXT WEEK UP TO 12 FEB iching_prediction