Wah, ane suka gaya bahasanya .. Mudah dicerna ..
Harap maklum, darah muda ...



On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 9:57 PM, JT™ <jsxtra...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Yes, kalo bicara FA, Kang Ocoy mah 'Top Gun' lah..., tapi ane mau komplain
> dikit nih Kang.., kalo bisa penyampaiannya pake bahasa yg mudah di mengerti
> dong Kang.., sayang pan analisa kelas satu tapi ngga ketelen sama newbie
> kayak ane...
> www.jsxtrader.com
> “ Trade By Rules, Not HOPE “
> ------------------------------
> *From: *"arsenal ruffinen" <ind_g...@yahoo.com>
> *Date: *Tue, 22 Dec 2009 14:47:46 +0000
>  *To: *<obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com>
> *Subject: *Re: [ob] 10 Most Wanted Person in OB...
> I think kang ocoy can be one of the most wanted person in OB. His
> fundamental analysis very tremendeous
> Powered by aRSeNal BlackBerry®insyaallah nyambung terussssss!
> ------------------------------
> *From: *fifi young <fifiyoun...@gmail.com>
> *Date: *Tue, 22 Dec 2009 19:10:44 +0700
> *To: *<obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com>
> *Subject: *[ob] 10 Most Wanted Person in OB...
>  10 *MOST WANTED* person in OB:
> 1.     *Mbah ** *            : his *passion*, his *wisdom*, his *accuracy*,
> his power to establish the most powerful mail-lists ever exist. And yet… he
> remains a secret to everyone.
> 2.     *JT** *                    : Raja Copet…there’s no other title
> better than this one for him. He is sneaky in terms of stealing BD’s money,
> ooops…stocks trader, I mean; and he has such a *tremendous power* to move
> his followers…when he’s on air, *you bet* everyone is watching with
> pounding heart beats…
> 3.    *Elaine**  *            : Even though she’s off the air right now,
> but for what she has contributed to OB, her superpower to maneuver all of
> her followers, makes her indeed to be the *QUEEN of OB*. Please come home,
> Sweetie…
> 4.    *DE** *                   : his wisdom, precise analysis, sometimes
> too stingy to give his clues… but he’s a funny guy with *high sense of
> humor*; he’s the Jay Leno of OB. A “LAUGH” medicine psychiatrist that
> doesn’t give you any prescription to laugh until you’re wet…
> 5.    *Tasrul ** *            : a low profile, doesn’t say much but he
> could give you the best technical analysis amongst all the best.
> 6.    *Hans** *               : another low profile, a very trust-worthy
> individual, empowered with technical analysis, someone you can count on…
> 7.    *A9*                    : used to be the General of his armies,
> tremendous impact has also created overwhelmingly joyfulness. But his
> mission wasn’t accomplished to the last frontier, and left his soldiers
> stranded in nowhere land. Please restructure your battalions, General…!
> 8.    *Billy the Kid** *   : this amazing kid, a rising star, blends well
> with all the senior citizen; expect to be the most outstanding analysis for
> years to come…
> 9.    *Boyz*                : a hidden treasure to be explore, maybe he’s
> a little too shy so that he keeps his wisdom under the closet; but he's so
> active when Elaine was on air...  He also possesses high sense of humor.
> Together with the other two senior, they make a good trio kwek kwek…
> 10.***G-Man*             : Wow…! Undeniably that he brings colors to OB. A
> fun and fearless Preman, just name it: BK, Ratu Sima, Rojak… none of them
> can overcome his attacks… his clever and fierce emotions, entitles him to be
> one of the most wanted persons in OB. I can't wait to see him get on the
> ring versus Rojak... hihi...
> Honestly, there are so much interesting persons in OB...
> OB is my second home, I can't live without you now... ayaya.....

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