Closing Update.,


market dalam kondisi indecision.., mungkin terkait sama urusan demo besok..,
kalau besok aman, insya Allah bisa bikin higher high.., momentum dan
acceleration juga masih terjaga baik.


kesimpulan; JSC masih aman dan ok-ok aja.


Ngupiii duluu... J






From: []
On Behalf Of JT
Sent: 08 Desember 2009 10:57
Subject: [ob] JSC - DAILY Chart


AS Per 10.52 Wib.  


Daily volatility bisa memberikan kesan 'seram', apalagi top freq dikuasai
gorengan., tapi kalau kita lihat pada daily chart, So Far IHSG masih aman.






Jakarta Composite (id;JSC)

08 December 2009


By Bill Williams, Ph.D. C.T.A.

Profitunity Trading Group

(409) 945-8880 -


..       Alligator:  Price is ABOVE the alligator  

..       Zone:  Green Zone

..       Awesome Oscillator (AO):  Increasing

..       Accelerator (AC):  Increasing


Open:              2.484,28

High:              2.491,29

Low:               2.473,11

Close:             2.488,39

Alligator Jaw:     2.439,26

Alligator Teeth:   2.438,90

Alligator Lips:    2.454,23


..    Close is above the Alligator which means we are only interested in a
long position.

..    The AO is Increasing (Green AO bar) which means that the momentum is

..    The AC is Increasing (Green AC bar) which means that the upward
momentum is accelerating.  With both the AO and the AC increasing the Price
Bar should also be Green.

..    If not already long this is a good place to look for a Fractal or other
signal to buy.





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