Nahhh !!!!!!
Lengkap dah, ada kang ocoy, ada master Armando ....

Makin mantab neh ....

On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 2:49 PM, Armando Anthony

> Numpang tanya Kang,  BTN-IPO kok saya cuma dapet 4% ya? apakah
> oversubscribe
> salam,
> Armando
>  ------------------------------
> *From:* Bagus Putra Perdana <>
> *To:*
> *Sent:* Tue, December 8, 2009 2:37:45 PM
> *Subject:* Re: [ob] SHORT SUMI !!
> I do skeptic with BUMI now that they will likely to post awfully
> declining P & L starts from this Q3 09 - A 09 - Q1 010 - Q2 010 Given their
> bleak bottomline outlook and negative FCF.
> But THINK TWICE before u short them coz needless to say ;
> 1) The Price Aint Really Too Pricey Now at Current Level.
> 2) they got 2.5 Bio USD in CASH now. Can U OutWeigh Their Bullet?
> 3) they got ammo's of news and stories upcoming, starts from Herald
> Forestry Pemit to Berau and Maruwai Linkage.
> shorters got a little comforting reasons though ; all the stories is not
> yet really an assets, more like a "liabilities", herald, gallo, citra palu,
> Zfariat wont add up contributing cash even 2 years after their exploration
> Succeded while they were sucking up cash up till now. while Berau, Maruwai,
> Etc would effectly add value but i doubt it would make the bottomline
> forecast improves.
> But Sure U Really wanna challenge 2.5 Bio USD Cash Holders Head-On?!. Think
> Again Dude.
> 2009/12/8 Bwijaya <emailkesatu@ <>>
>> banyak banget yang defense sama posting SUMI ...
>> pake bilang compare ke indf segala, menurut para pakar FA juga compare itu
>> harus ke sektor sejenis, kalo sektor nya coal yah ke coal lagi seperti PTBA,
>> ITMG dsj
>> coba bandingkan DER .. SUMI dengan PTBA dan ITMG.. wah jauhh boo
>> belum lagi alasana yang bilang kalo masih ada yang ngutangin berarti masih
>> dipercaya wahhh maksain bganget alasannya
>> posting-posting ini jelas tanda .... berarti banyak trader yang punya
>> barang di harga atas... bozz ku ngeshort nih, ayo bozz bozz yang lain pada
>> ngeshort juga
>> SHORT SUMI... terminal terdekat ada di 2150
> --
> Each piece, or part, of the whole nature is always an approximation to the
> complete truth, or the complete truth so far as we know it. In fact,
> everything we know is only some kind of approximation, because we know that
> we do not know all the laws as yet. Therefore, things must be learned only
> to be unlearned again or, more likely, to be corrected... ....The test of
> all knowledge is experiment. Experiment is the sole judge of scientific
> “truth”. - Richard Feynman

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