Kemarin, kontrak harga CPO pengiriman Desember di bursa Malaysia
ditutup di harga RM 2500, atau setara USD 735 per ton,  TERTINGGI
sepanjang tahun ini! Moga2 besok nickel dan timah menyusul. Deh...,
ngarep nih yeh...:-D

2009/12/8, swan silo <>:
> ----
> ----
> ________________________________
> From:Danareksa Equity Research
> Sent: Monday, December 07, 2009 10:52 AM
> Subject: SHARPFOKUS Dec 09 (OVERWEIGHT) ‘Dekade’
> ‘Dekade’
> l         We win one against the head!  As we move from the ‘noughties’
> (2000s) into the ‘tens’ (2010s), Indonesian stocks are well positioned to
> perform.  In a sign of what is to come, the 2000s wasthe first decade
> Indonesian shares outperformed the world’s largest market, the US .  Still,
> the ten year increase in our stocks was just 75% in USD terms; we can do
> much better over the next ten years.
> l         Valuations are still attractive - as the JCI is trading at just
> 10.8x 2011 PE - and earnings growth in 2010  is expected to be a healthy 20%
> we remain overweight on Indonesian equities.  Although we are just shy of
> our YE09 target of 2,700, we raise our YE10 index target to 3,300 or 17x
> 2010 PE, 14.7x 2011 PE.  We have five key predictions for the year ahead.
> l         Investment Grade. We predict Indonesia ’s credit rating will
> return to investment grade from the current two notches below.  This is
> based on two indicators returning to where they were the last time we were
> investment grade in the 90s: the debt to GDP ratio and the balance of
> payments surplus.  A return to investment grade will help reduce interest
> rates and strengthen the currency.
> l         GDP growth at new highs.  We already expect 6% growth this quarter
> and predict by the end of next year, our growth will be faster than either
> India ’s or China ’s, putting Indo in front - ‘Indochinia’!  The economy is
> picking up faster than at any other time this decade.  Faster growth will
> mean positive earnings surprises - just like this year.
> ·          2010 is the year of the real stimulus.  Forget government
> spending, BI rate cuts - the real monetary stimulus is still to come next
> year as liquidity is boosted by slower deposit growth, faster loan growth;
> Indonesia will save less and spend and invest more.  Cost of funds will
> fall, BDMN will benefit the most.
> l         A return of pricing power.  The ‘2000s’ were all about cost
> increases as the weak rupiah and rising commodity prices put pressure on
> costs which, given slow growth, were hard to pass on to consumers.  Now,
> cost inflation is giving way to improvements in real pricing power.  RALS
> will benefit in 2010 and will be a surprise peformer like GGRM in 2009.
> l         Palm Oil.  After a lull in the second half of the year, commodity
> prices will continue to recover as global demand picks up.  With Indonesia
> set to become the fastest growing economy as GDP growth reaches new highs,
> the commodity likely to do best is the one for which Indonesia accounts for
> a large portion of demand, i.e. palm oil.
> ·          Top stocks.  We under performed last month as the index fell
> slightly.  Year to date we are up  a better than JCI 128%, and this month we
> add RALS to make our ‘Top Stocks’ list up to ten.
> SebastianSharp
> (62-21) 2352 6843
> ****************
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