Buku wajib Investor dan Trader
Kemarin2 kita sudah bicarakan tentang buku WAJIB untuk investor/trader yaitu buku tentang Elliott Wave yg diciptakan oleh Mr Elliott dan ditulis oleh Prechtor, yaitu seorang trader yg selain LEGENDARIS dab punya otak yg luar biasa sehingga bisa menjadi seorang AUTHORITATIVE person dalam bidang Elliott Wave. Buku Technical lain yg wajib dipunyai oleh Trader ialah buku dari Martin Pring, ia juga seorang trader LEGENDARIS. Buku bukunya Martin pring dari hasil Googling: 1. Martin Pring on price patterns: the definitive guide to price pattern ...? Traders will value this book, as they do all of Pring'sbooks, f or its: Insights into widely used one- andtwo-bar patterns Examination of outside bars, ... 2. Introduction to technical analysis? It's the definitive guide to one of today's hottest and most profitable investment tools, and a must for every investor, analyst, and trader. 3. Investment Psychology Explained: Classic Strategies to Beat the Markets? With Investment Psychology Explained at your side, you'll learn how to stay one step ahead through the application of the age-old verities - hard work, common ... 4. The all-season investor: successful strategies for every stage in the ...? This complete guide to modern methods of asset allocation shows you how to assess the economic climate on the basis of those figures and formulate a strategy ... 5. Breaking the black box: learn how to design, test, and apply mechanical ...? Martin Pring's Breaking the Black Box shows technical traders and investors how to design, build, and apply trading systemswhether automated or ... Prechtor, Martin pring, Steve Nison (pendekar samurai candlestick) adalah penulis buku TA yg bagus, tapi mereka bukan hanya penulis saja, mereka adalah trader LEGENDARIS , malah ada yg berani DEMO didepan publik membuktikan mereka adalah THE CHAMPION in trading, dan terbukti they are THE BEST trader... Embah sendiri lagi nyari buku2 Martin Pring, embah mau minta tolong ama Sasha dan yg lainnya , mumpung hari minggu please do a favor for embah and member OB lainnya untuk cariin linknya.... Thanks yah....