Ane demen nih yg kaya gini.
Pada pinter english.

Kalo kirim news pake indonesia gini kan mudeng bacanya. 

Yg rajin ya sasha.


-----Original Message-----
From: sasha winata <>
Date: Fri, 4 Dec 2009 06:31:34 
To: <>
Subject: Re: [ob] Re: Index Eropa dan Amerika naik TIBA TIBA

ini versi indonesia nya...

Turunnya Pengangguran, Sinyalemen Kuat Rally Dollar AS.
Jumat, 04 Desember 2009   
Oleh: Indra Yudistira

of Labor Statistics Amerika pada malam hari ini (4-12, WIB) telah
merilis data yang luar biasa, dimana rilis tersebut menunjukkan adanya
perbaikan kinerja pada sektor ketenagakerjaan AS. Peningkatan kinerja
ini diluar dugaan banyak pihak dan berimbas sangat signifikan terhadap
Dollar AS.

Tingkat pengangguran dilaporkan menurun menjadi 10.0%
per November 2009. Terjadi peningkatan jumlah pekerja pada sektor
health care dan temporary health service dapat meredam meningkatnya
pemutusan hubungan kerja pada sektor konstruksi, manufaktur dan

Baca Selengkapnya :


--- On Fri, 12/4/09, billy_budiman92 <> wrote:

From: billy_budiman92 <>
Subject: [ob] Re: Index Eropa dan Amerika naik TIBA TIBA
Date: Friday, December 4, 2009, 1:55 PM



      Payrolls Fell Only 11,000 Last Month, Jobless Rate at 10%

U.S. employers cut a far fewer-than-expected 11,000 jobs in November, the 
smallest decline since the start of the recession in December 2007, government 
data showed on Friday, strongly suggesting the deterioration in the labor 
market was in its final stages.


The Labor Department said the unemployment rate fell to 10 percent from a 
26-1/2 year high of 10.2 percent in October.

The government revised job losses for September and October to show 159,000 
fewer jobs lost than previously reported.

Analysts polled by Reuters had expected non-farm payrolls to drop 130,000 last 
month and the unemployment rate to hold steady at 10.2 percent.

The data will take some pressure off President Barack Obama, a day after he 
appealed to the corporate sector, at a jobs summit he hosted, to join in the 
administration' s employment creation efforts.

While the economy has resumed growth after four straight quarters of decline, 
there are concerns that labor market weakness will prevent the recovery from 
becoming self-sustaining.

Government spending is largely driving the economy's recovery from the worst 
recession in 70 years. Since December 2007, when the economy slipped into 
recession, 7.2 million jobs have been lost, the Labor Department said.

But the pace of layoffs has slowed sharply from early this year.

Analysts believe the bruised job market may be close to turning the corner, 
with jobs growth likely early next year.

November's data was the strongest since December 2007, when jobs increased by 
120,000. Payrolls have fallen every month since then.

The improvement in the labor market last month was broad based, with four 
sectors, including the government, adding jobs.

Manufacturing payrolls fell 41,000 after dropping 51,000 in October. The 
construction sector shed 27,000 jobs, while the service-providing sector added 
58,000 workers.

Professional and business services added 86,000, while education and health 
services increased payrolls by 40,000. Temporary help employment rose by 52,400.

--- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, "jsx_consultant" <jsx-consultant@ ...> 


> Index Eropa dan Amerika naik TIBA TIBA







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