Om boyz, Kita musti yakin dong bahwa cicak bakal sakti jadi dia bisa menahan arus tekanan yang begitu besar dari buaya yang menghendaki harga Bumi di bawah 2ribu. Cicak sakti akan memaksa Buaya supaya kembali ke jalur yang BENAR yaitu bergerak ke utara membawa BUMI kembali ke harga di atas 2800.
Hehehe... Sent from my XL BlackBerry®. "Being true to yourself leads to being true to others. Being true to others leads to being true to the universe." -----Original Message----- From: boyz® <> Date: Tue, 3 Nov 2009 21:34:13 To: <> Subject: Re: [ob] Bumi weekly : lagi di dalam mulut buaya!!! udah bbrp minggu di OB lagi nge-trend indikator Buaya. sekarang lagi nge-trend Cicak vs Buaya ane penasaran sama komando Om Arto nge-short BUMI ke 1700, masih lanjut ga yah? soale ada Cicak yg siap melawan Buaya di 2150. kalo tuh ternyata Cicak Sakti, boleh lah berharap BUMI rebound ke 28XX. tapi kalo ternyata cicak bin kadal... ikutan Om Arto deh nunggu di 1700-an Salam, On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 9:14 PM, andref_r <> wrote: > Bumi Resources Tbk (id;BUMI) > 07 November 2009 > > By Bill Williams, Ph.D. C.T.A. > Profitunity Trading Group > (409) 945-8880 - > > Alligator: Price is in the alligator's mouth! > Zone: Red Zone > Awesome Oscillator (AO): Decreasing > Accelerator (AC): Decreasing > > Open: 2.200,00 > High: 2.450,00 > Low: 2.175,00 > Close: 2.300,00 > Alligator Jaw: 2.232,31 > Alligator Teeth: 2.718,15 > Alligator Lips: 2.952,78 > > Close is Inside the Alligator which means that the market is near to being > balanced and the price might move in either direction. > The AO is Decreasing (Red AO bar) which means that the momentum is > downward. > The AC is Decreasing (Red AC bar) which means that the downward momentum is > accelerating. With both the AO and AC decreasing the Price Bar should also > be Red. > In this situation we wait until the price begins to follow the momentum, > which is indicated by the price moving outside the Red Line (Alligator's > Teeth) on the Price Chart. Be patient and wait for the price to move along > with the momentum continuing downward. > > >