*Stocks Rise After GDP Beat; Exxon Slips DOW 9865.62 +102.93 +1.05%
NASDAQ 2087.75 +28.14 +1.37% S&P 500 1055.91 +13.28 +1.27% OIL 79.71 +2.25 +2.90% ( !! ) *Hari masih panjang ... BB clicks http://M.inilah.com/rubrik/ekonomi/pasar-modal/ -----Original Message----- From: "-Candra Wu" <wu_can...@yahoo.com> Date: Thu, 29 Oct 2009 15:57:20 To: OB<obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com> Subject: [ob] Economy grew more than expected Stocks rallied Thursday, rebounding off of the prior session's rout, after reports showed the economy grew more than expected last quarter and jobless claims fell. The Dow Jones Industrial Average was up about 80 points, or 0.9 percent, in morning trading. TheNasdaq, which has been beaten down lately, jumped over 1 percent, as did theS&P 500.