I am always with you Pak Sudes..... nice one... Sudeswanto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: maaf sebelumnya, tapi koq percaya sama tanggalan 13 yah? kaya menghitung periode for women, itu aja tanggalnya suka berubah-ubah... memangnya tanggal itu menentukan hidup kita? it is JUST A NUMBER! NOTHING MORE! and i believe to GOD ONLY! God bless you all! ^^ -----Original Message----- From: boyz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 19 April 2007 17:35 To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: Ada apa dg INCO ?? FRIDAY the 13th
hehehe ... besok bukannya tanggal 20 ? CMIIW hehehe friday the 13th tuh jum'at kemarin .... dan ternyata gak ada apa2 kok. hanya mitos aja kok. Teddy Halim wrote: Weleh weleh koq bisa balik ke Jumat tgl 13 Mr Boen? Besok mah udah tgl 25 April .. wake up sir it is just a nightmare dream.. Have a great Friday the morrow. th yang punya TINS and ANTM mulai pusing pusing dan kalau gak cepat cut loss mungkin mulai mencret mencret . Kalau tetap maksain market mungkin besok pingsan beneran ..muntah darah hehehe remember,.. tomorrow is friday the 13th ( bad dreams ) ada yang bisa nolongin gak !! mr.boen --------------------------------- Ahhh...imagining that irresistible "new car" smell? Check outnew cars at Yahoo! Autos.