Tdk hrs nyesel, bisa buy high and sell higher

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 7:55 PM
  Subject: Re: [ob] YG CUT LOST NYESEL ???

    Gak sempet CL krn internet matek..berkah ato musibah?? We"ll see tomorrow

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  powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT


  From: "JT™" 
  Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2009 12:22:32 +0000
  To: <>; <>
  Subject: Re: [ob] YG CUT LOST NYESEL ???

  Wah bahaya pak kalo pake nyesel-nyesel'an..., ini akan 'melatih' anda menjadi 
tidak disiplin, takut, dan ragu the next time anda hrs CL.., padahal CL is the 
most important SKILL every trader MUST HAVE..., no question about it.

  You see.., I trade by RULES, not by HOPE, saat rules saya mengatakan hrs exit 
ya exit, buy ya buy..., no matter what will happen tomorrow. 

  Untuk rekan2 yg hari ini CL, jangan pernah menyesalinya..., we'll get it back 
soon...., Kalau anda nanti malam ngga bisa tidur karena tadi CL, mungkin 
trading kurang begitu cocok utk anda.., mungkin investing is much better for 


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  “ Good Trade Comes To Those Who Wait “


  From: "Bozz Traders" <> 
  Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2009 18:49:23 +0700
  To: <>
  Subject: [ob] YG CUT LOST NYESEL ???

  Ane kira yg CL hari ini akan nyesel berat, tadi sore Boz tertawa terbahak 
bahak dapet duit byk dari Obers.


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