Mbah..., tolong tanya...
Kalo pakai buaya versi BW, terus chart hari ini dibandingkan dengan acara 
"Sumpah Pemuda" kapan hari memang ada bedanya ?

Tapi rasanya koq gak mungkin diatas si buaya ya mbah....

Maaf mbah, ane gak punya buaya, jadi gak bisa bandingkan 


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-----Original Message-----
From: "jsx_consultant" <>
Date: Thu, 22 Oct 2009 13:15:47 
To: <>
Subject: [ob] Today's Lesson

Today's Lesson

- We break Bill's Rule no 1: Don't trade below the Alligator
- We shoud EXIT when BUMI cross DOWN the Alligator at the 
  PINK circle (2950) and now close at 2650 (Save 300 OR 10%)
- Bill's method is SIMPLE and CLEAR but we break the MOST 
  important rule.

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