Wow..what a scary questions,two thumbs up for u..
I'm a new bie technicalist n that's why i want to learn from master 
technicalist in OB.
Why BUMI? already at support i think..almost all trader have BUMI in their 
About Fundamental, dont know,Need to learn more from u.


> --- In, "It's Elaine!" <elainesui83@> wrote:
> >
> > *Ok, first I have some questions:
> > *
> > 
> >    1. *are you a follower, a Technicalist, Fundamentalist?*
> >    2. *Why do you buy BUMI? Is it because you like coal industry? why not
> >    others like Adaro or Bukit Asam?*
> >    3. *Do you know what MA cross is? distribution? accumulation? over
> >    bought? support? resistance? blah blah
> >    *
> >    4. *Do you know how far does 19% CIC int rate will affect bumi future
> >    cash flow?*
> >    5. *Do you aware of fund flow in bumi? The reverse repos? the floating
> >    phantom shares?
> >    *
> >    6. *BUMI financial statement is in USD, do you aware with the inflation
> >    of the USD today?
> >    *
> > 
> > *Please answer, and I will give you appropriate opinion, but if above
> > questions make you dizzy then I suggest u stay away.
> > 
> > *
> > 

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