nah gitu donk....

bikin target di bawah ..jangan target diatas mulu....

TP : 1100

come on babe....



DEWA gowes ke GoCeng !!

From: Kalyana Mitta <>
To: Obrolan Bandar <>
Sent: Wed, October 7, 2009 7:39:26 PM
Subject: [ob] Most bizarre report on BUMI


Deutsche Bank - Equity Research

Bumi {Ticker: BUMI.JK, Closing Price: 3,075.00 IDR, Target Price: 1,100.00 IDR, 
Recommendation: Sell}

Prepayments of recent acquisitions: Management confirms completion of 
acceleration of payments for recent acquisitions (Fajar, DEWA, 
Pendopo): totaling c.USD380mn (of the US$520mn total, the rest was 
already paid prior to the CIC deal). This amount was supposed to be 
paid in 2010/2011, only if certain production targets were met by the 
acquired companies. Bumi says the conditions remain valid, ie. it can 
claim back the money if the conditions are not met in due time. It is 
unclear how enforceable this will be. Hence, in our view, the 
prepayments reiterate concerns on governance. Part of the CIC money 
was used to clear this, along with the refinancing of all its secured 
debt (ex. convertibles & financial leases), and pmts of fees & 
expenses (US$10mn). The remaining proceed is US$203mn; on top of the 
c.US$200mn net proceeds from the US$375mn CB raised earlier. 

Higher financing cost - 19% p.a. expensed: The 19% IRR on the CIC debt 
will be reflected immediately in the P&L as interest expense - this is 
US$253mn p.a. net of tax (at 30% tax rate), compared to the US$50mn 
paid on the old debt - the difference represent a hefty c.70% of our 
FY10F net earnings estimate or 50% of cons. ests. In terms of actual 
cash outflow: First 3 years we will see only the 12% p.a. cash outflow 
on interest. The remaining 7% p.a. yield will be accrued & only paid 
out starting the 4th until 6th year. 

Pledge of coal assets: The CIC debt is secured using all of Bumi's 
shares in the coal assets (65% of KPC, 70% of Arutmin & 70% of 
Indocoal SPV). 

Strategic partnership with CIC: As part of the deal, CIC will have 
also first right of refusal to partner with Bumi on any acquisition 
opportunities. Bumi can also potentially access additional debt 
funding from Chinese banks through the CIC relationship.


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