yang hebat ya anda itu. JURUKUNCI...

hiii seyeeeem..



--- Pada Sen, 5/10/09, jkunci <jku...@yahoo.com> menulis:

Dari: jkunci <jku...@yahoo.com>
Judul: [ob] Re: Service Industries in U.S. Expand for First Time in a Year
Kepada: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Tanggal: Senin, 5 Oktober, 2009, 11:47 PM

Dow ijo ---> IHSG ijo
Dow merah ---> IHSG ijo
Dow ijo tua ---> IHSG ijo tua
Dow merah tua ---> IHSG ijo juga
Apapun warna Dow, IHSG tetap ijo....hehehe
Yang hebat itu siapa ya? Bozz, BD, retail nekat, ato investor yg bingung cari 
parkir duit mereka? Seperti kata Embah apakah ini masih dalam skenario Bumpy? 


--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, simon bolenang <simon_bolen...@...> 
> Service Industries in U.S. Expand for First Time in a Year 
> Share | Email | Print | A A A 
> By Shobhana Chandra
> Oct. 5 (Bloomberg) -- U.S. service industries expanded in September for te 
> first time in a year, as the emerging recovery spread from housing and 
> factories to the broader economy. 
> The Institute for Supply Management’s index of non- manufacturing businesses, 
> which make up almost 90 percent of the economy, rose to 50.9, higher than 
> forecast, from 48.4 in August, according to the Tempe, Arizona-based group. 
> Fifty is the dividing line between expansion and contraction. 
> Federal Reserve efforts to unlock credit and government measures such as 
> “cash-for-clunkers” and a tax credit for first-time homebuyers are reviving 
> demand and likely helped the economy grow last quarter. Nonetheless, last 
> week’s report showing job cuts accelerated in September is a reminder that 
> gains in purchases may not be sustained as incentives expire. 
> “Conditions are better than they were in earlier months,” Michael Moran, 
> chief economist at Daiwa Securities America Inc. in New York, said before the 
> report. While the economy is improving, “the turn is occurring slowly and the 
> recovery will probably lack vigor.”


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