19T mgkn buat ini

 44% saham Darma Henwa (DEWA) dari Zurich Investment, Bumi tahun
2009 membayar uang muka senilai Rp 492 miliar dan Rp 359 miliar lalu
Tahun 2010 Rp 1,561 triliun.


Bumi membayar Rp 156 juta untuk uang muka akuisisi PT Fajar Bumi
Sakti pada 2009 dan Rp 430 miliar lalu Rp 2,045 triliun pada tahun
kedua 2010.


PT Pendopo Energi Batubara, Bumi membayar uang muka Rp 841 juta dan Rp 226 
miliar lalu  tahun kedua  2010 Rp 1,077 triliun.

Pendopo Energi Batubara pada waktu diakuisisi belum beroperasi sebab masih 
dalam feasibility study.

Akuisisi Darma Henwa senilai Rp 2,4 triliun, Fajar Bumi Sakti
senilai Rp 2,4 triliun, dan Pendopo Energi Batubara senilai Rp 1,3
triliun. Jika digabungkan, nilai akuisisi itu sekitar Rp 6,2 triliun,

Senior VP Investor Relations Bumi Resources Dileep Srivastava
mengatakan, volume produksi total perseroan akan mencapai 111 juta ton
pada 2012. Produksi
itu berasal dari KPC sebanyak 30 juta ton, Arutmin 70 juta ton, Fajar
Bumi Sakti 7 juta ton, dan Pendopo Energi 4 juta ton.

To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
From: elainesu...@gmail.com
Date: Fri, 25 Sep 2009 23:05:19 +0700
Subject: Re: [ob] bumi?


                  I'm worried about CIC. They're just rich big fat sitting 
duck. You can create a good looking proposal, walk to their office, tell them 
you have a good investment opportunity, bring them to dinner at expensive 
restaurant. Soon they will pour you with munnnyyy. 

There's always be the magic words 'debt restruct' and that often happens on 
Bakrie Group. I didn't say CIC is not smart, I'm just saying that Bumi mgt is 
waay smarter (in a sarcastic way), and CIC is too big to watch over this 
'naughty boy'..

I wonder, why did you pick BUMI? 


On Fri, Sep 25, 2009 at 10:24 PM, kang_ocoy_maen_saham 
<disclosure....@gmail.com> wrote:

To The Extreme, Yes Missy, I am deeply worried, hence my deep concern (C'mon I 
Hold Some Pile Of BUMI too in My Portfolio, i dont like to cash-in at this 
level and unload it now but if the shareholder value is furtherly ruined by bad 
cash management, sure miss, i'll jump the boat and bundle the gain. safety 
first, that is what i was ordered to ensure...)

Current CashFlow Figure Is Already Bleak Enough Even without extra 250Mn P/A 
Cash Coupon Payment. U know what i was talkin... All that worth for equity 
holders is freecashflow...

Things would be Okay If the 1.9 Bio is properly directed.(Uhm Can U Whisper 
Their Ears to do so ^_^...)

What do u say about BUMI's Management Effectiveness Missy?

Care Sharing Us Your PERSONAL Tought of them?

Greatly Appreciated... Thanks Before...

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Elaine Sui <elainesu...@...> wrote:


> *Ehhhh.. did you say JUMP OUT? you're worried about the management

> effectiveness, are you?


> Elaine**

> *


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