Good explanation, thanks so much Elaine. I like to read your letter.

--- On Mon, 9/21/09, Elaine Sui <> wrote:

From: Elaine Sui <>
Subject: Re: [ob] Kang Bagus - Apakah Indonesia meminta Inflow Hot Money untuk masuk Kontrak Berjangka Currency?
Date: Monday, September 21, 2009, 10:57 PM


I dunno how to say, it's complicated, but it works ^_^ If you buy IDR bonds, you really don't want the currency to decline.

China has the most US treasury bonds, so USD won't fall as it will hurt their export. But the Fed keeps printing money to bail out their banks, so China got to buy more US debts. China wants to diversify their reserve to gold, but US has the most gold in the world, any attempt to buy large sum of gold will drive the price higher. It's really a war..

To make it simple, you should think that currency (and gold) reserve as EQUITY, and total debt as DEBT, so you will know which country has the best DEBT to EQUITY ratio (DER)

High DER means the country is aggresive with its monetary policy but the risk of bankruptcy (either default or devaluation) is also high. (but please take careful proportion such as trade deficit/surplus, the nature of GDP - service/manufacture /natural resources oriented, etc). So it depends.

Fed money printing is like to RIGHT ISSUE, more paper, less value. Diluted.

Ahhh... so tired, I need to take a bath rite now.. will continue later ..sorry..  no peeking or I will cut your testicles.. [evil laugh]


On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 7:49 PM, Bambang Irwanto <bemben...@yahoo. com> wrote:

right now, Indonesia Govt. Bond Outstanding is RP 974,297,524, 463,886.00,
I guest we'll stay at free float for some time with $0.1 trillions outs bond and $0.05 trillions reserve.

How could $0.1 trillions 'protect' the IDR from falling?

--- On Mon, 9/21/09, Pak AA <pakaa2...@gmail. com> wrote:

From: Pak AA <pakaa2...@gmail. com>

Subject: Re: [ob] Kang Bagus - Apakah Indonesia meminta Inflow Hot Money untuk masuk Kontrak Berjangka Currency?
To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
Date: Monday, September 21, 2009, 6:58 PM


As always you look smart lol ... you must be smart for real
BTW, which vice president do you mean, the current VP or the next one who'll be in power in this October? Isn't it the finance minister's idea to sell treasury bond...

On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 12:38 PM, Elaine Sui <elainesui83@> wrote:

China doesn't use free float for the renminbi yet their stock markets are among the best. Note that pegged currency only works if you have huge reserve, so It really depends.

China has $2 trillions of fgn (USD) reserve, Japan has $1 trillions. Indonesia has $0.05 trillions (lol), so Renminbi and Yen are fixed, IDR is free float. In 1997 IDR was pegged to the USD (at IDR 2000 something)  but then when something bad come up, and if ppl sees that you don't have enough reserve, they may SHORT your currency.

Same thing happened to poundsterling in 1992 (Soros made fortune on this one by shorting $10 billions worth of poundsterling, hell that's 1/5 of your total fgn reserve, so 5 ppl like soros technically can bring Indonesia down..sorry)

That's why your govt is selling treasury bonds so much, so everyone will 'protect' the IDR from falling. ehhh, those ppl at the govt are smart, so does your vice prosident, you have to trust them and let them work.


2009/9/18 <mr_...@yahoo. com>

Devisa bebas bagus untuk stock market,

Sejak thailand kontrol devisa stock market nya ngga menarik lagi.

Karena risk premium susah keluar mesti di kalkulasi dalam harga ...

Bursa kite kan paling wussss ... Kalo dikontrol menurut hitungan kasar ya jebol 1000 lah bej

Sent from my AXIS Worry Free BlackBerry® smartphone

From: "Matt Nowo" <inf...@gmail. com>
Date: Fri, 18 Sep 2009 09:34:25 +0000
Subject: Re: [ob] Kang Bagus - Apakah Indonesia meminta Inflow Hot Money untuk masuk Kontrak Berjangka Currency?

Setauk saya yang telah menerapkan semacam "Chilian tax" di asean adalah malay n thailand. FDI/portfolio investment harus stay beberapa waktu.

Indonesia, dalam UU no 24 thn 1999 menyatakan kita (memilih) menganut regime devisa bebas. Dalam kondisi aparatur negara yang belum tertib, maka agak riskan apabila menggunakan regime control devisa.

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powered by ISAT & TLKM

From: Wong Cilik <gajahpelanduk@>
Date: Fri, 18 Sep 2009 15:41:54 +1000
Subject: [ob] Kang Bagus - Apakah Indonesia meminta Inflow Hot Money untuk masuk Kontrak Berjangka Currency?


Den Bagus... Tulung tanya,

Saya dengar Negara-negara Asean laen menerapkan pembatasan fluktuasi mata uang.  Cara mereka, dengan meminta dana Hot Money yang tidak melakukan FDI untuk masuk kontrak berjangka currency (jadi kurs masuk keluarnya sudah tidak terlalu besar lagi).

Apakah Indonesia ada rencana untuk menerapkan sistem ini? Maksudnya untuk mengurangi spekulasi mata uang yang merusak sendi-sendi ekonomi.

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