ok.., nanti abis lebaran kite ngupi2 lagi ya boss...., janji lo traktir..., hahaha..., canda...canda...

BTW, sorry sir sms anda kemarin baru ane baca, soalnya kecampur sms2 promosi yg bener2 menyebalkan,  jadi saya jrng baca sms..., hehe


From: Rei <highwaysta...@gmail.com>
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2009 5:26:25 PM
Subject: Re: RE: [ob] Ptba break 14150 and with volume,so????prof jt om tasrul

Boleh boss...call me dong.
Masih lanjut nih ptba.

On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 4:40 PM, JT <jsxtra...@yahoo.com> wrote:

Kereennn...., PTBA best performer for today lah.... ! Mantap


Ane juga mau minta traktir Pak Rei Nih…, hehehe






-----Original Message-----
From: m457...@yahoo.com.sg [mailto:m457...@yahoo.com.sg]
Sent: 15 September 2009 16:26
To: JT
Subject: RE: RE: [ob] Ptba break 14150 and with volume,so????prof jt om tasrul


Udah closing nih prof. Cakep ga?

Udah confirm boleh masuk, blom? hehe..


Asik dah, ane ditraktir ngopi nih sama pak Rei :p





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