EL, gak baik di bulan yg baik ini bikin angry banyak orang...
mending nunggu abis Lebaran aja

Pls be consider,


2009/9/15 Elaine Sui <elainesu...@gmail.com>

> *You're the first one who got angry.
> Elaine**
> *
> 2009/9/15 Joe Grunk <joe_gr...@yahoo.com>
>   Gimana kalau jatuh jg cuma koreksi wajar?
>> Alias tidak seperti yg didengung2kan, IHSG 1600 atau bahkan 800?
>> Yg FM gede mana bisa jualan.
>> --- Pada *Sen, 14/9/09, Elaine Sui <elainesu...@gmail.com>* menulis:
>> Dari: Elaine Sui <elainesu...@gmail.com>
>> Judul: Re: Bls: [ob] Re: Liburan Milis OB --> TAL: SABETAN THR
>> Kepada: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
>> Tanggal: Senin, 14 September, 2009, 8:12 PM
>> *Near closing bell lots of ppl will get angry with me. Let's see....
>> Elaine**
>> *
>> 2009/9/15 Rei 
>> <highwaysta...@gmail.com<http://mc/compose?to=highwaysta...@gmail.com>
>> >
>>> EL sdh gak ada stock, koq ikut senang? hehehehe...
>>> 2009/9/15 Elaine Sui 
>>> <elainesu...@gmail.com<http://mc/compose?to=elainesu...@gmail.com>
>>> >
>>>> *Kiss you so much, Embah *
>>>> 2009/9/15 Meiliany Halim 
>>>> <phz...@gmail.com<http://mc/compose?to=phz...@gmail.com>
>>>> >
>>>>> Mbah, memang jagonya :). Thanks
>>>>> 2009/9/15 Yuni <enj...@yahoo.com<http://mc/compose?to=enj...@yahoo.com>
>>>>> >
>>>>>>  Mantap mbahhhhh ... :))
>>>>>>  ------------------------------
>>>>>> *Dari:* jsx_consultant 
>>>>>> <jsx-consult...@centrin.net.id<http://mc/compose?to=jsx-consult...@centrin.net.id>
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> *Kepada:* 
>>>>>> obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com<http://mc/compose?to=obrolan-ban...@yahoogroups.com>
>>>>>> *Terkirim:* Selasa, 15 September, 2009 09:23:38
>>>>>> *Judul:* [ob] Re: Liburan Milis OB --> TAL: SABETAN THR
>>>>>> 9:20
>>>>>> Kalo OB rame banget artinya Tanda Alam mau jatoh...
>>>>>> Sebaliknya kalo OB sepi banget artinya mau naek...
>>>>>> Are You Ready for SABETAN THR ?.
>>>>>> ------------------------------
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>>>>>> Lebih Cepat hari ini! <http://id.mail.yahoo.com/>
>> ------------------------------
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