Saya jawab tida bisa jawab secara komplet karena keterbatasan data Pada dasarnnya US Dollar.saat ini menjadi kiblat dari semua transaksi perekonomian dunia, sehingga secara tidak langsung ketika terdapat masalah dari negeri Paman sam tersebut impactnya bisa langsung kepada negara-negara yang ikut menggunakan US dollar dalam kegiatan perekonomiannya.
Pergerakan harga minya bukan ditentukan oleh supplay dan demand dan kondisi negara-negara pengguna dan penghasil minyak. Tapi pada saat ini lebih dominan dikontrol oleh para spekulan yang menaik-turunkan harga minyak layaknya jet coaster. Terlebih dengan adanya produk Futures dengan leverage. Workshop Tretaa Wave Analysis (for Semarang, Solo, Jogja) 3-4 Oktober 2009 Kind Regards, Aditya Disclaimer: The materialspresented on this website are solely for informational purposes and arenot intended as investment or trading advice. --- On Sun, 9/13/09, tV.kun0 <> wrote: From: tV.kun0 <> Subject: Re: [ob] IHSG Tretaa Wave Updated 150909 To: Date: Sunday, September 13, 2009, 8:52 PM Dear Pak Hendra Bujang, Embah, Pak Pengamat Market, Pak Yuta, Elaine and other macro economic experts. Please allow newbie to ask a few questions related to macro economic issue. Recently I read some news regarding the threat of the US inflation. Below is some copy and paste from the articles. "Buffett is sounding the warning that America's enormous and mushrooming public debt presents an enormous inflation risk. He points out that private savings and foreign loans won't adequately cover our huge borrowing." "All that spending originates as borrowing, and there's no way it'll ever be repaid. It'll be inflated away by the Federal Reserve's monopoly on money creation. That will erode the value of the money in your pocket, in your bank account, and, yes, in your stock portfolio, too." My questions are: 1. How severe will the US inflation impact on our country's (RI) economy and stock exchange? 2. Will it drive the value of oil south? If so, could you please elaborate?! 3. Many believe that if the US inflation do really happen, gold price shall soars. Will the non-ferrous metal prices climb as well? 4. Are there any stock that will rise along with inflation? If so, what sector(s) would it be? Thanking you very much in advance for your time to answer. s|n Sent from my BlackBerry® powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT ------------------------------------ + + + + + + + Mohon saat meREPLY posting, text dari posting lama dihapus kecuali diperlukan agar CONTEXTnya jelas. + + + + + + +Yahoo! Groups Links