--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, "Bozz Traders" <powerman.tra...@...> 
> Ngejoss apanya USD cetak duit baru terus, arah ke selatan dan njungsep

Setiap Fed nyetak dollar, SMCB nyetak gain !!!

>   _____  
> From: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com [mailto:obrolan-ban...@yahoogroups.com]
> On Behalf Of Andreas Kisworo
> Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2009 9:48 AM
> To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: Re: [ob] komoditi. sampai kapankah?
> Bukannya USD udah mau ngejoss ke utara lagi Jend?
> Ada pola Falling Wedge:
> http://www.thestock <http://www.thestockbandit.com/Falling-wedge.htm>
> bandit.com/Falling-wedge.htm
> "The falling wedge pattern is a contracting trading range with a downward
> tilt.  This may be seen by drawing two trend
> <http://www.thestockbandit.com/Trend-lines.htm>  lines, a steeper trend line
> connecting minor highs, and a shallow trend line connecting minor lows.  The
> early portion of the wedge has a wider price range, while the latter stages
> of a falling wedge are characterized by tighter price action.  Volume
> expansion which accompanies a breakout from a falling wedge adds to the
> reliability of this chart <http://www.thestockbandit.com/Chart-patterns.htm>
> pattern."
> Referensi lain:
> http://stockcharts.
> <http://stockcharts.com/school/doku.php?id=chart_school:chart_analysis:chart
> _patterns:falling_wedge_revers>
> com/school/doku.php?id=chart_school:chart_analysis:chart_patterns:falling_we
> dge_revers
> Chart source:
> http://stockcharts. <http://stockcharts.com/charts/gallery.html?$USD>
> com/charts/gallery.html?$USD
> Rgrds,
> 2009/9/9 artomoro9 <artomo...@yahoo. <mailto:artomo...@...> co.id>
> kutipan dari Kontan Online :
> "....
> Ekonom Adrian Panggabean kepada KONTAN berkata, "Ada peluang besar dolar AS
> akan jatuh". Sebab, kini ada triliunan dolar AS di neraca Federal Reserve,
> sementara defisit AS US$ 2 triliun. Posisi ini berpeluang menaikkan suplai
> dolar AS di pasar.
> Banjir dolar AS ini akan menyebabkan inflasi. Suku bunga pun tetap rendah
> guna meredam inflasi, sehingga imbal hasil obligasi dolar AS tetap rendah.
> Ujungnya, orang tak meminati dolar AS.
> Investor akan berpaling ke komoditas. Tak heran, emas kemarin menembus US$
> 1.000 per troy ounce. Adrian bilang, perburuan komoditas juga akan membuat
> bursa saham menggelembung (bubble).
> http://www.kontan.
> <http://www.kontan.co.id/index.php/internasional/news/21295/Profesor-Roubini
> -Meramal-Dolar-AS-Ambruk>
> co.id/index.php/internasional/news/21295/Profesor-Roubini-Meramal-Dolar-AS-A
> mbruk
> note: cermati terus perkembangan ini, mudah mudahan entry dan exitnya pas.
> regards,
> A9

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