Mau borong ato mau tunjuk kekuatan pak?? hehehe ane ikut dah...

--- In, "Tasrul" <tas...@...> wrote:
> Sebelum sampai 2.250     ANE BORONG !!!  ada yang mau ngasih discount ?
> ________________________________
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of artomoro9
> Sent: Tuesday, September 01, 2009 2:51 PM
> To:
> Subject: Bls: [ob] BUMI mau gak ?
> mau sih. cuma 2250 boleh gak.?
> canda pak tasrul. monggo kalo mau belanja. 
> saya santai aja dulu. silakan di lanjut.
> regards,
> A9
> disclaimerontheway
> --- Pada Sel, 1/9/09, Tasrul <tas...@...> menulis:
> Dari: Tasrul <tas...@...>
> Judul: [ob] BUMI mau gak ?
> Kepada:
> Cc:,
> Tanggal: Selasa, 1 September, 2009, 2:20 PM
> Masa gak berani ?
> Tasrul
> PT. Overseas Securities
> Research Analyst
> Plaza Bapindo Mandiri Tower Lt.16
> tas...@overseas.
> Jl. Jend.Sudirman Kav.54-55            
> Jakarta - 12190, Indonesia
> Phone 62.21.5277008                
> Fax    62.21.5277009                
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> ________________________________
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