entar ye Om Arto, ni hari di kantor lg rada ribet dikejer deadline report. Mana ada tugas kuliah jg lagi. Tar malem abis teraweh dicoba dibedah scr komprehensif. Yang jelas valuasi itu cuma approximasi. Tergantung tools apa yg dipakai,reasoning en asumsi sama horizon pegang. Saya ga comfort kalo cuman kasih angka tanpa ada thesisnya. Ntar deh ye rada maleman sekalianan angka sama thesisnya yg ringan2 aja ga pake itungan ribet. Cukup 2-3 langkah aja. Sip nuhun ah. Have a nice day all.
On 8/27/09, artomoro9 <artomo...@yahoo.co.id> wrote: > setelah baca ulasan2 kang bagus ini, bener bener bagus banget. > > sayangnya banyak sekali istilah yang ane kaga ngarti.. > > ane mau minta tolong berapa sih sebenarnya harga wajar saat ini untuk BUMI > DAN ASII. > > gak perlu dijelasin pake metode apa. ane pusing ntar bacanya. > > langsung aja. harga wajar bumi sekian, asii sekian. > dah gitu aja. trims ya. > > maklum kaga pinter ngitung. > > regards, > > A9 > > > > > > Akses email lebih cepat. Yahoo! menyarankan Anda meng-upgrade browser > ke Internet Explorer 8 baru yang dioptimalkan untuk Yahoo! Dapatkan di sini! > http://downloads.yahoo.com/id/internetexplorer -- Each piece, or part, of the whole nature is always an approximation to the complete truth, or the complete truth so far as we know it. In fact, everything we know is only some kind of approximation, because we know that we do not know all the laws as yet. Therefore, things must be learned only to be unlearned again or, more likely, to be corrected.......The test of all knowledge is experiment. Experiment is the sole judge of scientific “truth”. - Richard Feynman ------------------------------------ + + + + + + + Mohon saat meREPLY posting, text dari posting lama dihapus kecuali diperlukan agar CONTEXTnya jelas. + + + + + + +Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/obrolan-bandar/ <*> Your email settings: Individual Email | Traditional <*> To change settings online go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/obrolan-bandar/join (Yahoo! ID required) <*> To change settings via email: mailto:obrolan-bandar-dig...@yahoogroups.com mailto:obrolan-bandar-fullfeatu...@yahoogroups.com <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: obrolan-bandar-unsubscr...@yahoogroups.com <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to: http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/