By Mark Hulbert

10:36 PM ET Mar 15, 2007

ANNANDALE, Va. (MarketWatch) -- What does the Dow Theory have to say about
the stock
market's recent weakness?

You might wonder why we would even bother to check. It was just over a
month ago
that the Theory flashed a bull-market reconfirmation signal, after all.
(Read Feb. 2
column) The Dow Jones Industrial Average  closed Thursday nearly 500
points lower
than where it stood then.

Some bull market, you might say.

The reason to nevertheless pay attention to the Dow Theory: Its long-term
record is
quite good. According to a study that appeared in the August 1998 issue of
prestigious Journal of Finance, conducted by Stephen J. Brown of New York
William Goetzmann of Yale University, and Alok Kumar of the University of
Texas at
Austin, a portfolio that switched between stocks and cash according to
interpretation of the Dow Theory beat a buy-and-hold by an annual average
of 4.4
percentage points per year between 1930 and 1997.

The Dow Theory was the brainchild of William Peter Hamilton, who was
editor of the
Wall Street Journal for several decades in the early part of the last
century. He
introduced his market timing ideas in dribs and drabs in editorials he
wrote for the
Journal over a nearly 30-year period, and never translated those
editorials into a
series of precise and unambiguous rules.

Because of these dubious origins, followers of the Dow Theory endlessly
debate the
finer points of what it might say about this or that market condition.
But, at least
in general terms, most followers would agree that a Dow Theory sell signal
is not
triggered until three events occur in succession:

-- The stock market must undergo a significant correction, with
defined in terms of length (more than just a couple of days) and
percentage decline
(more than just a few percentage points).

-- In the market's rally attempt following this correction, either the Dow
industrials or the Dow Jones Transportation Average , or both, must fail
to rise
above where they stood prior to the beginning of the correction in step 1.

-- In the market's subsequent decline following this rally attempt in step
2, both
the DJIA and the DJTA must drop below the lows they set in the correction
in step 1.

Given these conditions, it seems clear that the stock market's recent
weakness comes
nowhere close to producing a Dow Theory sell signal. Indeed, depending on
which Dow
Theorist is doing the interpreting, it is not clear that we have even made
it beyond
the first of the three steps.

The reason I say this: The correction that occurred from the Dow
all-time high on Feb. 20 to its low on March 5 lasted just nine trading
sessions, and
less than two weeks of the calendar. Its magnitude was just 5.8%. There
are some this
length and magnitude of a correction does not qualify as being significant

But even if you do think it does, that still would mean we're currently
only in step
2 of the three-step process that would eventually produce a sell signal.
As of
Thursday's close, the Dow industrials had regained 109 of the 736 points
it had lost
between Feb. 20 and March 5.

Regardless of whether you think we're still in step 1, or have advanced to
step 2,
however, the message of the Dow Theory would appear to be the same: A sell
signal has
not been issued. And on one thing William Peter Hamilton was clear: We
should presume
that the previous signal remains in force until it is reversed.

And that means, to the extent you follow the Dow Theory, you will act as
though the
bull market remains alive and well.

This attitude of giving the bull market the benefit of the doubt helps
explain a
comment earlier this week from a prominent Dow Theorist. Richard Moroney,
editor of
Dow Theory Forecasts, wrote earlier this week to clients that "With
volatility likely, a move to 11,400 on the Dow Industrials would not be
Market action has been consistent with a correction in an ongoing bull
market, and
the Dow Theory remains in the bullish camp."

Lest you think there are no flies in the ointment, however, I should note
that not
all Dow Theorists are currently bullish. While two of the three Dow Theory
services I
follow are -- Moroney's as well as Jack Schannep's -- the
Richard Russell's Dow Theory Letters, is bearish. This is for a variety of
one of which is that, on his reading, the Dow Theory above else is about
values, and
stocks are much closer to being overvalued than undervalued.


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