Great RUN is always followed by Correction (if do not want to mention FALL): 
- September is the worst month empirically, BUT different conditions may apply 
either  (maybe this year's September can be the BLACK SWAN)
- Market has been UP more than 50%. (there can be a limited UP)
- Some executives in BIG companies has realized their profits through insider 
selling (nothing that acknowledged to be worsen than THIS one)
- Keeping interest rates low v.s increasing interest rates; always a trade off 
works there (Central Bank focus on what purpose?)
- Production cost is rising while no boost up in price, unemployment continue 
to hit new record, deleveraging consumers, etc. 
So, September will be the JUDGEMENT MONTH 

Where you can trust your fund

--- On Sun, 8/16/09, Rei <> wrote:

From: Rei <>
Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching
Date: Sunday, August 16, 2009, 1:54 AM


Iya pak, makanya masih akan naik menurut saya walau sdh tdk banyak...skrg saja 
sdh agak berat kan.

2009/8/15 Thomas Frederick <thomaszone_2000@>


Yup TAL pak... Tapi kalo ngeshort barang sendiri sekarang disaat belum "ijo" 
kita yg retail rugi.

Kalo bozz sih seneng2 aja... Semakin banyak yg nyerap barang dia. Naik lagi 
dijual lagi...

Mirip dgn yg dibilang ama pak HMIN, ga akan langsung dibanting.

Mungkin momentumnya kali ini mirip2 crash 2005. Dimana obligasi jatuh semua.. 
Selama september dibuat sengsara.

Lagian masih ke 2500 kok "janji"nya.

Hehehe kita nikmati aja hari selasa.

From: Rei 
Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 22:07:46 +0700

To: <obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com>
Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching


Bukannya itu time to sell pak? TAL tuh...

2009/8/15 Thomas Frederick <thomaszone_2000@>


My personal opinion..... .

Yg mau short sekarang atau bandar mau banting sekarang malah rugi... WHY????

Kemarin malam sampe lunch time tadi.... 

1. Dinner time kemarin, di sushi resto gt, segerombolan ibu bilang planning 
untuk masuk market... Bilang no fear lahh apa lah gitu.. Maklum dengerin sambil 
nguping2 gitu.

2. Tadi pagi havin dimsum di meja sebelah juga ribut bilangin saham buy ini 
lahh itu lahh masih belum naik tertinggi dll...

3. Sampe ngopi tadi sore pada ada yg bilang masih mau belanja.. Pada happy dow 
merah kemarin...

Plus RM di bank bilang suruh beli reksadana mumpung ok. Mumpung belum 2800. 
Skrg masyarakat indo lagi raging to buy.... 

4 indikator itu mnrt saya bahwa market udah kepanasan.

Kalo buy to trade msh ok.. Untuk invest.. Tunggu dulu.

Jadi kalo superbozz hari selasa malah naikin bursa berapa byk duit yg bs 

Get d point kan?

Tapi klo lgsg mau dibanting ya silahkan... I'm ready bozz....

From: Rei 
Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 21:15:26 +0700

To: <obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com>
Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching


No commo EL? BUMI won't be left behind by Bozz...

On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 6:50 PM, Elaine Sui <elainesui83@> wrote:


Yeah but bullish without correction is very dangerous than can lead to 
structural damage. I'm always bullish for long term, for 3 yrs at least.


2009/8/15 Spiderman <nadya...@yahoo.>

El, bukannya kemaren baru bilang bullish..?? N recomment invest di BNBR n BMTR 
group... ?? Sekarang jd bearish lagi.. N stock pick nya juga beda lagi... Kalo 
senin regional asia ijo.. Bilang bullish n invest lagi?

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From: Elaine Sui 
Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 18:19:53 +0700
To: <obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com>

Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

He told us to short. I agree with him, that's the lowest cost to make profit 
without hurting the valuation. We will see a BIG correction and we should be 
happy for it, because it will BOUNCE BACK BIG enough as well.

Issues (please study first): 

deflation, unemployment (related to bad consumer spending report, in United 
Fuckin' States)
China: protection and tight money policy >> int. rate rise

Local: H1N1, unstable IDR.
And I'm worried about Obama safety vs Israel as he's a bit hard on them 
especially on West Bank settlement. Hopefully he doesn't end up like Lincoln or 
Nobody can control the market behaviour, but some ppl are good at EXPLOITING 
and TAKING ADVANTAGE of it.  When it comes, BUY BUY BUY and again BUY.

My stock picks:

domestic sector: telecomms, infrastructure, cement, construction, tobaccos
Think long term, the economic power is shifting to Asia. This correction is a 
BLESSING in DISGUISE. How low? I don't know, that's JT/TT job to measure as it 
is very technical (possibly at long term support or something, or moving 
average of 200d). I will provide a macro view, JT/TT provides the entry/exists, 
Art and Embah will be the commander.

Looks like a perfect team, isn't it? Long live OB. ^_^


2009/8/15 artomoro9 <artomo...@yahoo.>

kutipan dari embah:

periode tgl 18 sampe 21, embah baru percaya I Ching karena pada periode ini 
UNSUR BAIK HATI yg pegang peranan.  

apakah embah melihat suatu PERANAN UNSUR BAIK HATI (tuhan kecil : istilah 
embah) di market kita pada periode tersebut..? apa saya salah tangkap maksud 

jangan ragu mbah. ungkapkan saja secara terang benderang...



--- Pada Sab, 15/8/09, jsx_consultant <jsx-consultant@ id> menulis:

Dari: jsx_consultant <jsx-consultant@ id>
Judul: [ob] Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching
Kepada: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
Tanggal: Sabtu, 15 Agustus, 2009, 11:16 AM


Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati + Last wish to I Ching

Ini gambar yg embah buat tgl 10 Agustus:

http://www.obrolanb pwlihsgzz. png

Saat itu:
- IHSG 2389 saat ini 2386 (-3)
- BUMI 3200 saat ini 3225 (+25)

Apakah ada analis yg bisa disebut analis Hebat dan Baik hati pada
tgl 11, 12, 13 dan 14 ?. Coba tolong check....

Embah perpanjang periode Analis Hebat dan Baik Hati ini sampe
tgl 21 Agustus.

Kalo I Ching bisa meramalkan BUMI dan IHSG pada periode tgl
18 sampe 21, embah baru percaya I Ching karena pada periode
ini UNSUR BAIK HATI yg pegang peranan. Pada periode2 sebelumnya 
unsur TA dan BA yg pegang peranan...

Pak SB sang Master Hokie, seharusnya nyoba karena disini 
peranan DISAYANG TUHAN sangat dibutuhkan pada periode ini.

Lebih Bersih, Lebih Baik, Lebih Cepat - Rasakan Yahoo! Mail baru yang Lebih 
Cepat hari ini! 


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