No problem.....still good, very good indeed.!!!

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[If you light a lamp for somebody, it will also brighten your path.]            

-----Original Message-----
From: "ichingprediction" <>

Date: Thu, 06 Aug 2009 09:09:10 
To: <>
Subject: [ob] Re: [Ask I Ching] Bgm BNBR Kamis 06 Aug 09?

for the record only :
127-116 = +11

ps : iching bilang harusnya turun, tp kenyataan naik. ane baca ulang teori 
iching, jawaban iching SOMETIMES tidak sesuai time frame yg ditanyakan. kadang 
kala effectnya bisa untuk hari berikutnya.

--- In, "ichingprediction" <wimanto...@...> 
> ICHING answer :
> Yin (New)
> Yin (Old)
> Yang (Old)
> Yang (New)
> Yang (Old)
> Yin (New)
>       The present is embodied in Hexagram 32 - Heng (Duration): Successful 
> progress and no error is indicated, but the advantage will come from being 
> firm and correct. Any movement in any direction whatever will be advantageous.
>       The second line, undivided, shows all occasion for repentance 
> disappearing.
>       The fourth line, undivided, shows a field where there is no game.
>       The fifth line, divided, shows its subject continuously maintaining the 
> virtue indicated by it. In a wife this will be fortunate, in a husband, evil.
>       The situation is shifting, and Yin (the passive feminine force) is 
> gaining ground.
> Yin (New)
> Yang (New)
> Yin (New)
> Yang (New)
> Yin (New)
> Yin (New)
>       The future is embodied in Hexagram 39 - Chien (Obstruction): Advantage 
> will be found in the southwest, and the contrary in the northeast. It will be 
> advantageous to meet with the great man. With firmness and correctness, there 
> will be good fortune.
>       The things most apparent, those above and in front, are embodied by the 
> upper trigram Chen (Thunder), which is tansforming into K'an (Water). As part 
> of this process, movement, initiative, and action are giving way to danger 
> and the unknown.
>       The things least apparent, those below and behind, are embodied by the 
> lower trigram Sun (Wind), which is transforming into Ken (Mountain). As part 
> of this process, penetration and following are giving way to stillness and 
> obstruction.
> --------------------
> Interpretasi ane : BNBR turun.
> Disc. on

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