U r good El....
 Properties beat other sectors

From: Elaine Sui <elainesu...@gmail.com>
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, July 30, 2009 10:05:15 PM
Subject: Re: [ob] Mbah, sebenernya apa si yang mentrigger kenaikan hari ini?

What? No. I 'left' IDX but not OB.  

I just want to see whether in this 3Q the rally is sustainable or not, that's 
all. I see many crazy (greedy) buyers today so I decide to liquidate what was 
left on my portfolios. Yes, I know you must think that I did a bad move, I mean 
selling in the middle of a strong rally? what the hell? lolz..

But I believe in my sources and my own analysis. Just like you, JT. Believe 
only in ourself. After all, my targets are already met, I'm happy, my investors 
are happy, you, art and OB are happy.


2009/7/30 JT <jsxtra...@yahoo. com>

>Emang si EL mau kemana Boss...? are you leaving again EL?
>-----Original Message-----
>>From: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com [mailto:obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. 
>>com] On
>Behalf Of Dean Earwicker
>>Sent: 30 Juli 2009 19:38
>>To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
>>Subject: Re: [ob] Mbah, sebenernya apa si yang mentrigger kenaikan hari ini?
>BG naik kencang karena laporan kinerja reksadana semester
>1, sekalian
>window dressing lapkeu mungkin buat modal ngutang lagi
>mengkale, juga
>karena break console pake vol, juga senada dgn kutukan 31
>mbah, sekalian jendral arto show of force, kebangkitan
>billy di media
>dan pesta
>perpisahan EL.
>OB GITU LOH.... ;) kalo engga coan juga mah kebangeten.
>On 7/30/09, charles_3983 <charles_3983@ yahoo.com>
>> abis semalem kan DOW merah.. oil drop..
>> ko bisa2nya BUMI dkk ngamuk2 hari ini?
>> apa karena mereka masih laggard?
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