YES, I'm with you EL, hi five, very good point

On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 10:58 PM, Elaine Sui <> wrote:

> Deflation also means lower cost.* I expect the commodity prices to decline
> *, thus giving benefit to property, cement, steel makers and construction
> companies. For Indonesia there are still a big space for *additional rate
> cuts, perhaps until 3-4%*, but not for US.
> *
> *
> *Let's separate between the ECONOMY and the STOCK MARKET. Like I said
> before, there is economic power shift from the western to Asia. Sooner or
> later the US economy will shrink, that will bring a temporary set back to
> ALL market (psychological effect) BUT the market will realize that Asia
> has its own 'business' and should rebound faster, leaving the US behind.*
> *
> *
> *Please avoid export based companies, stick to domestic ones. So, don't
> say Elaine tidak bisa changcut ya!!  [?] the difference is only the
> timeframe and scale, that's all. You'll see massive bad news soon, the PIG
> market WILL be severely affected BUT don't worry, it's actually a GOLDEN
> *
> *
> *But I will not buy at this moment, I will wait for discount. BIG
> discount. The set back in China is actually healthy to stop the stock market
> from overheating since I know the market makers in China are using highly
> leveraged fund (as in the commodity futures)*
> *
> *
> *High commodity prices needs to be stop as it is dangerous for the
> economic growth. Why? because the unemployment rate is so high and the
> purchasing power is shrinking, so if ppl keep speculating the future market,
> we're going nowhere. The bad thing is IDX has many listed mining/plantation
> companies and the authority 'intervention' to the future market will
> indirectly affect IDX (I dunno, do you understand what I mean?). *
> *
> *
> *But I believe the big guys in the governement are doing the right thing,
> we just have to wait. Be patient. Please note there is also geo-political
> issue, not just economy. I will discuss it later, coz I'm hungry now. [?]*
> *
> *
> Elaine
> On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 9:32 PM, YUTA <> wrote:
>> El,
>> For sake of clarification, you've said earlier that the deflation spiral
>> is dead. Amongst those, property price should also be discounted, right?
>> Then why you choose property? Or, correct me if the property for only mid
>> term (say 6mths to 1yr) but still commodities for longer term (2yrs or
>> longer)? True?
>> Advise, please. Thanks.
>> ------------------------------
>> *From*: Elaine Sui
>> *Date*: Wed, 29 Jul 2009 18:16:22 +0700
>> *To*: <>
>> *Subject*: [ob] Defensive and outperforming sectors for 2H09
>> *The economic outlook is not too good for 2H09 but not everything is bad.
>> I've made an analysis and the result is:
>> 1. Property and related sector (cement, construction)**2. Pharmacy and
>> Health care*
>> *
>> *
>> These ones have been laggard but they will be shining soon and outperform
>> other sectors. I suggest if you want to do short/med term investing, you
>> focus on these. Forget commodity stocks. Please ask for JT or Tasrul
>> assistance for entry/exit points. Most of the them have small caps, so
>> they're quite volatile. Good for traders.
>> *
>> *
>> *Have a nice investing and good luck [?][?] See, I can be nice to traders
>> too. [?]*
>> *
>> *
>> *Elaine*





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