kalau BANK  bagaimana untuk kedepan? thx

--- On Wed, 7/29/09, Elaine Sui <elainesu...@gmail.com> wrote:

From: Elaine Sui <elainesu...@gmail.com>
Subject: [ob] Defensive and outperforming sectors for 2H09
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Date: Wednesday, July 29, 2009, 6:16 PM


The economic outlook is not too good for 2H09 but not everything is bad. I've made an analysis and the result is:

1. Property and related sector (cement, construction)

2. Pharmacy and Health care

These ones have been laggard but they will be shining soon and outperform other sectors. I suggest if you want to do short/med term investing, you focus on these. Forget commodity stocks. Please ask for JT or Tasrul assistance for entry/exit points. Most of the them have small caps, so they're quite volatile. Good for traders.

Have a nice investing and good luck  See, I can be nice to traders too. 


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