intel negara maju juga bisa kebobolan kena bom.


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On Behalf Of Soeratman Doerachman
Sent: Wed, 29 Jul 2009 15:21 PM
Subject: [junior_Trader] Jebulnya di sono juga yg ginian ada ya



Car bomb injures 46 at Spanish police barracks


By Ben Harding Ben Harding - Wed Jul 29, 1:05 am ET

MADRID (Reuters) - A car bomb exploded outside a Civil Guard barracks in the
northern Spanish city of Burgos early on Wednesday, slightly injuring 46
people, an emergency services spokesman said.

Part of the barracks facade collapsed into the street when the bomb went off
around 4.30 a.m. (10:30 p.m. EDT). A spokeswoman for the Civil Guard,
Spain's paramilitary police force, said the attack was probably carried out
by Basque separatist rebels ETA.

Most of the injuries were cuts and bruises and no one was in serious
condition, although 38 had been transferred to hospital in the historic
cathedral town, according to the emergency services spokesman.

"All the windows are broken. It's very damaged so it's almost a miracle no
one was hurt more seriously," he said, adding that the barracks had been
evacuated and fire fighters were going through the building.

ETA is held responsible for killing more than 800 people in the past 40
years in a campaign to carve out an independent Basque homeland in northern
Spain and southern France. It typically uses shootings and car bombs, often
parked outside police and army barracks.

The most recent killing blamed on the group was on June 19, when a police
inspector died in a booby-trapped car in the northern city of Bilbao.

The organization is under pressure to show it can still mount attacks
despite having been weakened by a series of arrests including that of its
suspected top commander, Jurdan Martitegi, in April. His capture brought to
four the number of commanders caught in less than a year.

Eighteen more alleged ETA members were captured in a three-week period in
June and July.

Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero's Socialist government broke off
peace talks with ETA after the rebels killed two people with a car bomb at
Madrid airport in December 2006.

(Additional reporting by Jason Webb, editing by Mark Trevelyan)

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