*Give me four more days! I still have some to be cashed out. After that, you can do anything with these stocks. If you can make IDX to 2800 then it's good, I will be happy for you. I am sure a lot of ppl will remember you as 'the one'. (But personally I think you will yangkut like Fred Schubert. Sorry... [?])* * * *About 93% of my portfolios have been successfully liquidated this month. Artomoro, dear.. umm.. thank you very much. [?] I owe you big time. Don't worry about me, I'll be back when everyone goes bankrupt.. lolz.. just kidding guys.* * * * * Elaine
2009/7/27 artomoro9 <artomo...@yahoo.co.id> > Saya tidak mengerti, mengapa saat sekarang ini nuansa bearish terasa kuat > di obers? Kalo diliat dari postingan temen2 semua keliatan sekali suasana > itu. Apakah karena postingan EL? Atau warning2 dari para senior? Justru ane > berfikir posisi sekarang adalah START FLYING TO BREAK HIGH ihsg 2800. > Kapan? Target ane, in this year, 2009. masih ada waktu 5 bulan. Semoga. > > > > ___________________________________________________________________________ > Dapatkan nama yang Anda sukai! > Sekarang Anda dapat memiliki email di @ymail.com dan @rocketmail.com. > http://mail.promotions.yahoo.com/newdomains/id/ > > > > ------------------------------------ > > + + > + + + + + > Mohon saat meREPLY posting, text dari posting lama dihapus > kecuali diperlukan agar CONTEXTnya jelas. > + + + + + > + +Yahoo! Groups Links > > > >