--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, "Yuta" <yuta.tizi...@...> wrote:

> SETUJU ......................... :)

> Ah siapa bilang tidak bisa satu putaran??? Masyarakat sudah bosan melihat 
> penampilan team sukses yang overacting dan suka mendramatisir suasana. 
> Segera tutup drama ini dan kita balik ke dunia nyata untuk bekerja. Tidak 
> bisa dipungkiri, Presiden yang sekarang masih yang terbaik. Proven, that's 
> the reality....
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Vernichtung <gambler....@...>
> Date: Wed, 8 Jul 2009 10:01:37 
> To: <obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com>
> Subject: Re: [ob] Tentang Prediksi billy
> 1. Hyper? - deflation --> cos there is a recent build up of inventories and
> excess production capacity and low demand - as for SEX ... i dont know.
> 2. Unfavourable election outcome --> has been predicted cos there is a slim
> chance that any candidate can attain 50% vote
> 3. Mounting unemployment --> the US is currently standing at 9.5% with many
> states already reporting  a 10+ % of unemployment
> 4. North Korea missile 'incident' --> not likely to happen cos NK can not
> sustain any attack without the backing from Russia and China
> It is very interesting that you said certain stock will reach 4xx and the
> index will reach an big boost UP while predicting a big drop in the market
> for 3rdQ 09, can it create a rally big and fast enough to catch up on the
> drop in 3rdQ on the 4thQ?
> And yes i would love to see a bear or several bears (the BIGGER the BETTER).
> 2009/7/4 Elaine Sui <elainesu...@...>
> >
> >
> > *Well, at the end I'll beat the crap out of everyone.. lolz.. **[?] No,
> > really I want a bear. Wanna see my bear? **[?]. You'll see a bear in this
> > form:*
> >
> >    1. *Hyperdeflation.** Everything will be (and have been) sold at a
> >    discount, clothes, phones, cars, electronics, sex,stocks, debts. Note 
> > that
> >    this has slight impact to energy such as coal, oil or palm oil.*
> >    2. *Unfavored election result.** Ah, no comment on this one.*
> >    3. *Mounting unemployment (US & Eurozone).** No jobs means no tax, no
> >    health care, no insurance, no spending. Refer to #1. They will start to 
> > seek
> >    job in Asia and speak our language. [?]*
> >    4. *North Korea missile 'incident'.** It will be very VERY provocative
> >    to the west. *
> >
> > *Long term (2012) is still bullish, IDX still holds as the best performing
> > yet volatile market. Short term (3Q09), you'll feel that you're gonna throw
> > up on you computer screen. Buy on weakness. I dunno what's gonna happen in
> > the future, but better be prepared of anything, as any smart money would
> > be. *
> > *
> > *
> > Of course, as always you have the right *not* to follow my advice. It's
> > your money, not mine, not my business.
> > *
> > *
> > *
> > *
> > *Elaine*
> >
> >
> >
> >

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