Mo coba ngeramal saham dgn I Ching (buku tertua di dunia). Di LN terutama HK, Singapore, Taiwan, dll udah lumayan banyak yg mengaplikasikan I Ching untuk prediksi trend stock market.
Hari ini gw tanya i Ching : Bgm trend BEI bulan Juli ini? Hasilnya : Hexagram 40.4(Deliverance) dan Hexagram 7(The Army=Lead) Lengkapnya hasil tanya I Ching sbb : The present is embodied in Hexagram 40 - Hsieh (Deliverance): Advantage will be found in the southwest. If no further operations are called for, there will be good fortune in returning to the old conditions. If some operations are called for, there will be good fortune in the early conduct of them. To the subject of the fourth line, undivided, it is said "Remove your toes. Friends will then come, between you and whom there will be mutual confidence". The situation is evolving slowly, and Yin (the passive feminine force) is gaining ground. Yin (New) Yin (New) Yin (New) Yin (New) Yang (New) Yin (New) The future is embodied in Hexagram 7 - Shih (The Army): With firmness and correctness, and a leader of age and experience, there will be good fortune and no error. The things most apparent, those above and in front, are embodied by the upper trigram Chen (Thunder), which is tansforming into K'un (Earth). As part of this process, movement, initiative, and action are giving way to docility and receptivity. The things least apparent, those below and behind, are embodied by the lower trigram K'an (Water), which represents danger and the unknown. ---- Berdasarkan uraian di atas, gw menarik kesimpulan, tren BEI bulan July = BULLISH