Wah Wah ... tar gede jadi BD bisa bikin keder lawan2nya nih heheheh ..... Punya NYALI gede, di tambah tahan GEBUKAN ..... Siap siap di ADOPSI ALIEN deh kalo lolos ....
GBU On Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 3:18 PM, Yanuar Mustofa <yanuar.must...@yahoo.com>wrote: > > > status FB billy baru di perbaharui... > " > Embah, I TAKE YOUR CHALLENGE. I will try to make 70 % ACCURACY IN 10 days. > GBU " > > > ------------------------------ > New Email names for you! > <http://sg.rd.yahoo.com/sg/mail/domainchoice/mail/signature/*http://mail.promotions.yahoo.com/newdomains/sg/> > Get the Email name you've always wanted on the new @ymail and @rocketmail. > Hurry before someone else does! > >