Saya setuju dgn pak Bonex! Saya anti otonomi daerah, kalo mau dirubah saja 
sekalian jadi federasi seperti Jerman, tanggung! Bisnis keluarga saya juga 
menurun drastis gara2 otonomi daerah, yg namanya pungutan wah berapa 
meja....truk keluar  sepertinya tiap tikungan ada pungutan resmi Pemda.
  Jaman Suharto meja lebih sedikit, walau saya juga tahu budaya korup asalnya 
dari generasi Orba!

Frederick Schubert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
            From the platts story, it should be read that the new verified 
smelters (five) are not considerably able to export their tins directly. The 
license is TO OPERATE, while law concerning exports verification remain...So 
they can operate and sell their tin to TINS, which have license to export 
  Just sharing...investmen is on your call....

Investor Bonex <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
        Lupakan TINS...... 
  Pemko Babel uda gak tahan utk puasa dari hot money cukong2 illegal smelter.
  Bagaimana mungkin dg mudahnya illegal2 smelter memenuhi syarat yg ditetapkan 
Memperindag utk memperoduksi timah dg kemurnian 99.9% dan memenuhi syarat Amdal 
  Otonomi daerah lebih meciptakan "raja2 kecil" yg males tapi pingin cepat kaya 
  Dasar bangsa korup !!!
        Five Indonesian tin smelters get government OK to restart     
Jakarta (Platts)--5Feb2007

Five tin smelters on the Indonesian island of Bangka are   able to resume   
operation following the issuance of permits from the local   government, as 
they  meet proper requirements for tin smelting, a government official told 
Platts  Monday.       The smelters are among 17 smelters which have submitted 
proposals to  secure a license for tin smelting, local government spokesman 
Latief Pribadi  said, adding that the five smelters permitted to resume 
operations were CV DS  Jaya Abadi, PT  Bangka Putra Karya, PT Bukit Timah, CV 
Duta Putra Bangka and  PT Bilitin Makmur.       "They have met the requirements 
on tin smelting and already have an  approval from Bangka Belitung's governor," 
Latief said. The mining and energy  department of Bangka Belitung province has 
verified seven of the 17 smelters  which have applied for a permit, he said, 
adding: "Five among them have  secured an approval from governor, while other 
two smelters are still in the  verification process."      
 Tin smelters operating in Indonesia are required to comply   with  government 
regulations in order to be allowed to operate. The   Indonesian  government has 
clamped down on refined tin exports in a bid to ban  uncontrolled mining 
activity and increase revenues from royalty payments.  

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