Merdeka saja belum kok kabur tho pak.. waktunya anggkat senjata dan berjuang..
Gannbarimashou ne.. 3988 (san kyuu hachi-hachi) Salam hangat dan jabat erat, Andik --- On Fri, 5/29/09, Yudizz <> wrote: From: Yudizz <> Subject: RE: [ob] SOFT DISTRIBUTION.....Re: To Embah...masih outflow ?? To: Date: Friday, May 29, 2009, 12:29 AM Btw, kenapa ya Mbah, posting bearish kok lebih enak ditulis pake Bahasa Inggris, hihihi…. Kaburrr, wuzz..!! Regards, Yudizz From: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com [mailto: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com ] On Behalf Of jsx_consultant Sent: Friday, May 29, 2009 1:51 PM To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com Subject: [ob] SOFT DISTRIBUTION. ....Re: To Embah...masih outflow ?? The index is moving upward but if you look at the individual stock, you will find that MOST stock can not make a HIGHER HIGH !!! This is a sign of SOFT DISTRIBUTION. .. So, the long term investor sell their portfolio SLOWLY while the daily trader utilise the upward index movement for trading. So, you know what to do... --- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, Cougar Boy <boysngirls@ ...> wrote: > > Mau tanya nih > masih mau nunggu di tepi lapangan ?? > > Posisi saya bingung lihat market...range menipis > banyak saham breakout gak jalan. > > Gak tahu yang lain bagaimana ?? > Saya sendiri intraday trading hari ini dan kemarin dalam status "RUGI" > > yang coan cuman copet close-open > > investasi masih naik..tapi kecepatan naik melambat. >