
From: PalmOil [mailto:i...@palmoil.com] 
Sent: Monday, May 25, 2009 7:36 PM
To: Palmoil.com Subscribers
Subject: Asian Crude Palm Oil Ends Lower On Weak Demand For Biodiesel

Asian Crude Palm Oil Ends Lower On Weak Demand For Biodiesel


Crude palm oil futures on Malaysia's derivatives exchange fell sharply
Monday after the government said palm-based biodiesel production has
slowed down and the deadline for complete local 5% blending may be
extended, said trade participants.


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Malaysian Cash Market Prices For Palm Oil - May 25 at 1000 GMT Monday

The following are prices for Malaysian palm oil in the cash market at
1000 GMT Monday, supplied by commodity broker Matthes & Porton Bhd.

Indonesian Physical Palm Oil Prices May 25

The following are Indonesian physical palm oil prices quoted by traders
in rupiah a kilogram.

Indonesia's PTPN Sells 7,000 Tons CPO At Auction Monday

Indonesia's PT Perkebunan Nusantara said Monday it sold 7,000 metric
tons of crude palm oil offered in a government auction.

MARKET TALK: Malaysia's Cash Palm Oil Eases As Lack Of Buying

Malaysia's cash palm oil prices ease on weak buying interest.

MARKET TALK: BMD CPO Futures Dn On Weak Demand To Make Biofuel

BMD CPO futures lower as Malaysian government acknowledges poor start to
biodiesel program, says deadline for full 5% blending implementation may
be extended beyond initial target of February 2010. "We won't make 5%
blending mandatory.

Indonesia Astra Agro Sells 2,000 Tons CPO Monday

Indonesia's PT Astra Agro Lestari Monday said in a statement it sold
2,000 metric tons of crude palm oil offered in an auction.

Malaysia's May 1-25 Palm Oil Exports Up 4.7% On Month - SGS

Malaysia's palm oil exports rose 4.7% during the May 1-25 period to 1.02
million metric tons from 971,428 tons month earlier, cargo surveyor SGS
(Malaysia) Bhd. said Monday.

MARKET TALK: BMD CPO Dn Midday On Exports; Support At MYR2,500

BMD CPO futures down midday on exports, support seen at MYR2,500/ton.
Benchmark August CPO contract down MYR5 at MYR2,516/ton

IOI Exec: CPO Prices May Rise To MYR3,000/Ton In Near Term

Crude palm oil prices may rise to MYR3,000 a metric ton in the near term
due to tight supply and a delay in production due to above normal
temperature, a senior executive of IOI Group said Monday.

Malaysia's May 1-25 Palm Oil Exports 979,327 Tons - Intertek

Malaysia's palm oil exports rose 0.5% in the May 1-25 period to 979,327
metric tons from 973,825 tons in the same period in April, cargo
surveyor Intertek Agri Services said Monday.



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