Ratu Sima suka main teka teki, pake kode kode an Ada yg mau jadi code breaker ?
Pak JT, ada clue tentang chart pattern yg dimaksud ? ----- Original Message ----- From: Ratu Sima To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com Sent: Monday, May 25, 2009 1:03 PM Subject: [ob] CROSSING AZIMUTH Xcuse me Gentlemen. Consensus's been tough to outreach. As Bull has widespread been overbought, the closest scenario is bearish OTW. The question remains: Where is Emerging Market heading to? EEM will follow his big brothers, in a bit later mode for sure, soon after it reaches TOP. And in "earth", U shall come out & return. Swimming in the bearish wedge river to its top can still yield something for good dinner before kissing June "Goodnight Goodbye" and date July to marry August. So, U choose what? Inverted Head & Shoulder or SIMPLY DOUBLE BOTTOM? GOOD LUCK! Ratu Sima, The United Kingdom of Kalingga