Goldman Sachs : Asia: Domestic demand to drive differentiation; China, India, Indonesia best positioned
Macro data are increasingly turning positive, but markets have moved strongly to price that in throughout the region. We think now is a good time to focus more on differentiation within the region rather than simple “risk-on” trades across the whole region. We continue to believe that the primary factor to focus on is domestic demand. With that in mind, we have 1) built a new diffusion index to monitor the turn in the macro data; 2) estimated the rolling combined fiscal and monetary stimulus in a consistent way across the countries and across the different types of policies; and 3) compared that combined stimulus to the underlying shock faced by each country. Conclusion: China, India and Indonesia remain the strongest countries when comparing the combined stimulus with the underlying macro shock. The resulting domestic demand resilience there should help support equity markets in these countries. The delta relative to the recent past is greatest for India and Indonesia. We remain positive on the outlook for the IDR, and also see the INR as also well positioned on a relative basis. Diposkan oleh BRIGHT INFO di 05:33 0 komentar  Label: Goldman Sachs : Asia: Domestic demand to drive differentiation; China, India, Indonesia best positioned Sent from my BlackBerry® powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT -----Original Message----- From: Cougar Boy <> Date: Sun, 17 May 2009 07:29:37 To: <> Subject: [ob] Salah satu hasil road show EL Temasek Sells Bank of America Stake, Looks to China (Update2) <javascript:togShareLinks('shr_v');> May 15 (Bloomberg) -- Temasek Holdings Pte<> sold its 3.8 percent stake in Bank of America Corp.<> at a loss that may total $4.6 billion, as the Singapore state-owned fund shifts bets from Wall Street to emerging markets. ............................. [?][?][?][?][?]