10:21:55 ptba 3675 dengan volume yang lumayan.. apakah artinya ptba sudah tidak tertahan lagi?
----- Original Message ---- From: Oskar Syahbana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com Sent: Tuesday, January 2, 2007 11:18:45 AM Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: PTBA PTBA masih ketahan.. tunggu bulan-bulan ini saja. Tapi coba tanya lagi ke Pak Untung :D On 12/31/06, Widhie !!! <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote: Secara teknikal PTBA ada di major support, bisa diamati -- Oskar Syahbana http://permagnus.com/ -- A Financial site with a human touch Please send private messages to iservasia[at]gmail.com __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com