Stress Test diumumkan menjelang Market Tutup:

Bank Shares Advance After Federal Reserve Completes Stress Test 

By Jeff Kearns and Jamie McGee

May 7 (Bloomberg) -- Citigroup Inc. and Bank of America Corp. led financial 
stocks higher after the Federal Reserve concluded its examination of the 
industry’s health. 

While the central bank found that 10 U.S. lenders need $74.6 billion in new 
capital to survive the longest recession since World War II, Chairman Ben S. 
Bernanke said the results of the so-called bank stress test “should provide 
considerable comfort to investors and the public.” 

Citigroup climbed 7.1 percent to $4.08 at 6:40 p.m. in New York after the Fed 
said it needs $5.5 billion in additional capital. Bank of America, determined 
to require $33.9 billion, gained 9.3 percent to $14.76 in trading following the 
official close of U.S. exchanges. Fifth Third Bancorp, Ohio’s largest lender, 
soared 25 percent to $6.66 as the central bank said it must raise $1.1 billion. 

“The market is breathing a sigh of relief,” said Philip Orlando, who helps 
manage $410 billion as chief equity strategist at Federated Investors Inc. in 
New York. “The elimination of that uncertainty is being viewed as a positive by 

U.S. stock-index futures gained, with Standard & Poor’s 500 Index contracts 
expiring in June adding 0.6 percent to 912.20. The Financial Select Sector SPDR 
Fund, an exchange-traded fund that tracks bank stocks, increased 2.1 percent to 

The S&P 500 declined 1.3 percent to close at 907.39 today before the results 
were released. The benchmark has advanced 0.5 percent this year after dipping 
as much as 25 percent in March. 

‘Positive Experience’ 

“This has been a positive experience,” said Walter “Bucky” Hellwig, who helps 
oversee $30 billion at Morgan Asset Management in Birmingham, Alabama. “The 
uncertainty that occurred because of the economic downturn and what might have 
been a fumbling of the regulatory ball early on has pretty much been resolved.” 

The Fed’s report on the health of the nation’s 19 largest lenders showed that 
losses at the banks under “more adverse” economic conditions than most 
economists anticipate could total $599.2 billion over two years. 

Morgan Stanley retreated 1.4 percent to $26.75 after regulators said it needs 
$1.8 billion. The sixth-biggest U.S. bank by assets said it plans to raise $2 
billion in a share sale and $3 billion by selling debt that’s not 
government-guaranteed after regulators determined the company needs more 

To contact the reporters on this story: Jeff Kearns in New York at Jamie McGee in New York at 

Last Updated: May 7, 2009 18:51 EDT 

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-----Original Message-----
From: "troyanese" <>

Date: Thu, 07 May 2009 22:45:10 
To: <>
Subject: [ob] Re: Bursa US + eropa

Kemungkinan besar masih naik, khususnya saham mining. Oil naik lagi ke USD 56

--- In, nyari duit <nyariduit...@...> wrote:
> Bursa eropa turun tajam di sesi akhir.. penyebabnya apalagi kalo bukan bursa
> US turun tajam di awal sesi... Bursa eropa sangat latah terhadap bursa US..
> Bursa US terkoreksi.. tapi menurut saya masih koreksi wajar.. wong udah naik
> tinggi beberapa hari terakhir, dan juga satu bulan terakhir. Loss AIG dan
> hasil stress test Bank US, dipakai pelaku pasar untuk profit taking.
> Yang menarik adalah, menit-menit terakhir bursa US rebound dikit.. apakah
> ini cover short? atau smart money masuk di menit-menit akhir..? tapi dengan
> positifnya DJI future.. menurut saya ini adalah profit taking biasa, walau
> grafik satu hari-nya agak menyeramkan..
> Bagaimana dengan BEI.. ? tentunya akan dipengaruhi bursa regional nanti..
> tapi menurut saya akan mix, karena Nikei dan STI yang naik kencang 2 hari
> ini akan rawan profit taking. sehingga akan mempengaruhi BEI yang juga sudah
> naik tinggi beberapa hari terakhir, dan belum sempat koreksi besar..
> Saham-saham  group bakrie yang sangat aktif dan volume + value sangat gede
> kemaren akan penentu indeks hari ini..
> Jika saham-saham ini naik kencang pagi, dan regional kurang bagus, jangan
> dikejar... bisa gigit jari di sesi 2... apalagi ini hari Jumat..
> Kalo saya, no action. still keep on the track.. invest..
> Salam,
> ND


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