cuma gara2 berita ini mbah..

May 6 (Bloomberg) -- China’s central bank said the
economy’s performance in the first quarter was better than
expected. The comment was in a quarterly monetary policy report. To contact the 
reporter on this story:
Kevin Hamlin in 東京 at

From: jsx_consultant <>
Sent: Wednesday, 6 May 2009 2:27:22
Subject: [ob] Re: STI knp tu menggebu2 mendadak???????????

--- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, "andref_r" <andre...@.. .> wrote:
> dibalap eui jkt ditinggal jauh...wakkakak

Ini orang Singapore mungkin prediksi hasil STRESS TEST bagus,
atau ada beritanya ?.


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