Banyak org mengenal warrant sbb: - Sbg sweetener saat IPO - Sbg derivative daripd saham induk - dst Bagi saya warrant just a name...field of battle
Permasalahannya ketika kita punya keterbatasan pilihan, masak kita tidak mau mencari pilihan yg BARU? Sehingga ketidaktahuan kita ttg warrant, bukan masalah like/dislike. Pegangan saya bhw "ketidaktahuan" itu adalah RESIKO Jangan memaksakan diri kalau belum bisa kalkulasi resiko yg akan dihadapi Salam --- In, Knight <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > Betul, sampe skrg gw lom ngerti warant ... > apa sihh itu? tolong jelasin dong boss :) > > On 12/6/06, Hotma Sirait <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > > Most investors should shy away from low-priced warrants. It is another > > complex specialized field that sounds fine in concept but which few > > investors understand. Warrants give a person the right to buy so many shares > > of a company's common stock at a specific price, up to a certain date. Many > > warrants are cheap in price and, therefore, seem appealing. The real > > question comes down to whether the common stock is correct to buy. Most > > investors will be better off to forget the field of warrants. > > > > (William J O'Neil : How to Make Money in Stocks page 122) > > > > >