but HOW If may 1st, retail traders could put a short position towards the 
would it be A SUPER BULL??

Thank You! 
ThomaS FredericK

--- On Wed, 4/15/09, Elaine Sui <elainesu...@gmail.com> wrote:

From: Elaine Sui <elainesu...@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [ob] Bullish for Asia
To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
Date: Wednesday, April 15, 2009, 5:43 AM

Kalau ada terima report banyak margin trading Elaine (and others) bisa short 
until you get margin calls. Believe me, I did that before.... this is a 
warning, so please listen.

Don't get me wrong, margin trading is not healthy as it involves 'fake' or 
borrowed money, not real one. I have far more important target than just a 
rally. Last year some hedge funds were busted because of leveraged trading, 
including.. you know.. that SP guy.

Of course, you can ignore me and use it, and that makes me your enemy, not ally.


2009/4/15 Vidi Vici <vdv...@gmail. com>

Target tante EL udah kena tadi .... (yg naik 300 point)
Selanjutnya bagaimana? 
Sekali lagi mau tanya MASA NGGA BOLEH PAKE MARGIN? 
Hi hi hi hi .........


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