ini adalah BUKTI NYATA anda HARUS tidak percaya pada SIAPAPUN.... belum nyamboeng?? baca dari BAWAH sampai ATAS BANGET...secara DETAIL...ada yang JANGGAL?? pak boyz dah ngasih CLUE tuh...^^ do you still believe what you read here buddy?? DONT!!
salam hangat, gitto kurniasanto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: there are many fridays hehehehehehe which friday? let's see...time frame can be set up...timing is just a metter of faith... here..? I just want to share some infos to make us more alert on what's going on..... choices are yours..... I think suhu IAN is laughing now....... cheers boyz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: hehehe ... mr. schubert ganti label yah ? dear mr.pemainbesar, i heard that news too ... i suppose your purpose mailing this news is for a good reason, to tell the truth about exactly what is going on. or perhaps to invite people here to get involved or make some contribution in the war tomorrow (isn't it?) i guessed that you are a kind of long term investor and might have a big scale fund, i thought it might be only who had longer time frame investing that follow your invitation. as we knew, everyone here have different trading systems/rules, different time frame and different scale of fund. so don't be obsessed if not everyone in here doesn't follow your war. they are not join the speculators (and might don't realized who they joint to), THEY JUST JOINT THE TREND. they are not fight back anyone, THEY JUST FIGHT BACK AGAINST A LOOSING POSITION. hehehe ... but don't get me wrong, i'm not opposed you in this matter. let's see some little contribution tomorrow. and let's see ... can this little contribution settled PGAS at your target price IDR11,500 tomorrow ? (i'm not pretty much sure, but who knows. hehehe) or speculators pull it down below IDR10,500. only GOD knows. regards, pemainbesar wrote: WARNING: One big speculator.. . his name is LMS, and wife VT, opened accounts (VERY RECENTLY) in several foreign and domestic securities companies to kill PGAS share price. Today (late Thursday) he spread another new rumor saying that the government will sell PGAS at below IDR10,000 a share. WHICH IS BASELESS.... .!!!!!! AS THE STATE-OWNED AFFAIR MINISTRY ISTASKED TO RAISE RP3 TRILLION FROM THE PRIVATIZATION PROGRAM THIS YEAR... BAPEPAM MAY COMPLETE INVESTIGATING THIS CASE VERY SOON.... BUT I DOUBT IT WILL DARE TO SANCTION THE SPECULATOR.. ..IT MAY ONLY FINE THE BROKERAGE FIRMS...... WANNA JOIN THE SPECULATOR.. .? OR FIGHT BACK AGAINST HIM...? NOW I OPENLY STAGE AN OPEN WAR... YOU FEEL BIG...HUH... ? ANY COMMENT..? MOTIVE..? --------------------------------- Everyone is raving about the all-new Yahoo! Mail beta.