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[ Jum'at, 10 April 2009 ] 
Utang Jatuh Tempo EMP USD 1 Miliar 

JAKARTA - Kebutuhan dolar AS (USD) korporasi tetap tinggi meski kondisi
kurs rupiah fluktuatif. Salah satunya untuk membayar utang-utang yang
jatuh tempo seperti PT Energi Mega Persada Tbk (EMP).

Dirut EMP Christian V. Ponto dalam penjelasannya kepada bursa
mengemukakan utang valuta asing yang dimiliki oleh perusahaan pada
Januari dan Februari 2009 telah dilaporkan kepada Bapepam-LK. Ini untuk
memenuhi ketentuan agar emiten melaporkan jumlah utang valuta asing yang

Dari laporan tersebut, pada Januari, utang emiten eksplorasi migas yang
harus dibayar pada bulan Januari mencapai angka USD 582.040.903 yang
terdiri dari utang bank senilai USD 450 juta dan lain-lain senilai USD

Jumlah tersebut meningkat pada bulan Februari senilai USD 585.918.403
yang terdiri dari utang bank senilai USD 450 juta ditambah dengan utang
lain-lain mencapai USD 135.918.403.

Jumlah tersebut mencapai angka USD 1 miliar dalam dua bulan berjalan
tahun ini. "Kebutuhan investasi migas yang berkaitan erat dengan barang
dan jasa dari luar negeri membuat komponen valuta asing mendominasi,"

Kebutuhan dolar yang tinggi ini, harusnya segera diantisipasi oleh
korporasi mengingat pada 2008, banyak laba perusahaan harus tergerus
karena mengalami kerugian kurs akibat transaksi derivatif. (iw/fan)

--- In, Elaine Sui <elainesu...@...>
> *'Clues ' are more like riddle, so no I don't give clues. I prefer to
> investment strategy. Buy this, short this, hold this. Target x% in y
> Things like that. (last year I told everyone on how I work but seems
> believes so whatever lah)
> If you have the access, you should invest in Iran Stock Exchange,
> on alternative energy sector (read:nuclear).
> For Indonesia, 2/3Q09 is the revenge of the METALheads + coal +
> Target up to 50%, in less than 6 months (Oct09). ps: these sectors
have been
> rising like 100% since Nov 08,..
> BUMI, MEDCO, EMP and Bakrie Plants. are laggards, but they eventually
> catch up.
> Elaine*
> On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 7:56 PM, anru.s...@... wrote:
> >
> >
> > Yeah! Just wonder how can Elaine get such a amazing prediction?
> > El, please give us some clues...
> > Tx b4
> >
> > Sent from my BlackBerry®
> > powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT
> >
> > ------------------------------
> > *From*: fifi young
> > *Date*: Thu, 9 Apr 2009 19:41:38 +0700
> > *To*:
> > *Subject*: Re: [ob] Bullish for Asia
> >
> > Wow...!
> > This is my 1st time ever to see Elaine in such a
> > long writing...
> > Seems you are so happy today...
> > Oh yeah... it's election day... no wonder...
> > You already knew who's gonna win...
> > 'n you knew what will happen next...
> > Every1 sure will always remember you...
> > an awesome young lady with brilliant n hard head,
> > cool hand to execute every single details...
> > You are indeed 1 of a kind...
> >
> > On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 1:48 PM, Elaine Sui elainesu...@... wrote:
> >
> >>
> >>
> >> *JT said Buy on Weakness*
> >> *Embah said this is not a bear rally*
> >> *Artmoro said more less the same*
> >> *Dean said Welcome bull*
> >> *Sima flip flopped but she's bullish*
> >> *Oentoeng and boyz disappears indefinitely (maybe they're getting
> >> somewhere lolz, rumor said)*
> >> * Where's James Arifin?
> >> Tasrul seems bullish*
> >> *Rei is always bullish (even last year..ha ha)*
> >> *Fifi is always be like a soccer mom on steroid*
> >> *Abdulrazen the coolest and most handsome livestock in the world*
> >> *Ruzli was OWNED by me*
> >> *Billy seems expert on technical but has problem with
> >> (buy..? sell? hold? reduce? add? what's the action? you can't
recommend buy
> >> and sell at the same time [?])*
> >> *Buffett is still yangkut lolz but he's bullish
> >> Jim rogers is bullish on commodities
> >> Cramer is bullish
> >> Even Professor Roubini now is not as bearish as he used to be.
> >> **Almost all media coverage is showing bullishness on the economy,
> >> especially Asia.
> >>
> >> Well, it seems that OB family finally get together on the same
track to
> >> the North Pole. I said l...@everyone. I'm happy. You're happy.
Everyone is
> >> happy. In the end, you may double your portfolio if you're good,
make five
> >> fold if you're lucky or even ten fold if you were me. (not really
but you
> >> get the idea [?])
> >>
> >> This may sound crazy too but I think there's a chance that Nikkei
> >> will finally make a new all time high in five to ten years from
> >> Indonesia, along with Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore were once
called the
> >> Asian Tigers in the 90's, and will be once again in 2010, together
> >> China (the Dragons), and Japan. Interestingly enough, Australia is
> >> to Asia.
> >>
> >> Ten years from now, I hope you guys still remember my name. I will
> >> what I want, I know my expectation, I share everything you need to
know and
> >> fgod sake if you still didn't make money like 100% for the last 6
> >> then STOP TRADING!
> >>
> >> I'm serious.
> >>
> >> Elaine Sui*
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

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