Another news of PGas
Gas Negara Delays Plan to Channel Gas to Customers in Java
2006-11-16 21:38 (New York)

By Leony Aurora
     Nov. 17 (Bloomberg) -- PT Perusahaan Gas Negara, the
country's biggest publicly traded energy company, delayed till
January plans to channel gas to customers on the main island of
Java from Sumatra because pipelines haven't been connected.
     One of the pipelines to link the two areas will be
completed in December and gas will flow to factories the
following month, President Director W.M.P. Simandjuntak said in
an e-mail statement yesterday. Finance Director Djoko Pramono
said on Sept. 15 that the gas will reach users in December.
     Gas from state oil company PT Pertamina's area in South
Sumatra needs to be ``stabilized'' before being sent to
consumers, Simandjuntak said.
     Demand for natural gas in Indonesia is rising as factories
and power plants seek alternative sources of energy after crude
oil prices rose to a record this year. Oil climbed to an all-
time high of $78.40 a barrel in New York on July 14.
     Gas Negara, based in Jakarta, is building two pipelines to
connect gas-fields in South Sumatra province to Java, the
country's most populated island. The first pipeline will link
Grissik in South Sumatra to Cilegon while the second one
connects Pagardewa to Muara Bekasi.
     The company had estimated in February that the Pagardewa
pipeline would be completed in November.
     President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is scheduled to
inaugurate the pipelines on Dec. 21, Gas Negara said.
     Gas Negara plans to start constructing in early 2008 a 495-
kilometer pipeline connecting Duri in Riau province to Medan,
the country's third-largest city, in North Sumatra, Simandjuntak
said in a text message today.
     The pipeline is expected to cost as much as $490 million,
Gas Negara said in the e-mailed statement. The company may
finance as much as 70 percent of the project from its own cash
and by selling bonds.
--Editor: J.Lee.

----- Original Message ----
From: Halim Mintareja <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 17, 2006 4:53:30 AM
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: PGAS : Ada apa dgmu ?

Kalau ngak salah lihat gambar TA...
10800.. jadi moment penting buat PGAS.. baik untuk BULL maupun BEAR..
Ini gambar TA no confirm di harga sekarang.
Kalau diam atau naik dikit.. mungkin jadi Bullish harami
Kalau terus naik di atas 11200.. jadi double bottom
Tapi kalau terus ke <10.800 jadi head & shoulder
Bandar PGAS satu ini memang pinter bikin gambar.
Saya rasa bandar tidak akan tembusin 10800 kalau volume bid di sana tebal... berat

On 11/16/06, Aria Bela Nusa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

            Kalo dilihat chart (candles) :


*        Up-trending line (ditarik garis2 strong support dr bulan Mei) berada pada titik bottom di 10,900

*        Tonggak /kaki di bawah candle (lower shadows) hari ini telah muncul – tanda2 utk siap2 memompa/mental ke atas

*        Sepertinya , akan terbentuk double bottom (rounding bottom ) utk base formation ke depannya







-----Original Message-----
From: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com [mailto:obrolan-[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of imron
Friday, November 17, 2006 1:15 AM
To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: PGAS :
Ada apa dgmu ?


below 11.000 low can it go.....



----- Original Message -----

From: Teddy Halim

Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2006 6:41 PM

Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] Re: PGAS : Ada apa dgmu ?


Thanks pak FS for the note.

Kita tunggu deh ntar turun lagi baru beli buat jajanan pasar. Kemarin ambil dikit di 11350.

Kabarnya dari rumput yg bergoyang dan burung berkicau mo diturunin lagi sih hari ini.

best regards,

On 11/16/06, Frederick Schubert < pemainbesar@> wrote:

we had ever experienced to see PGAS fell from IDR13,800 high to IDR9,600 low in Sep-oct....but it went back to 12,200 only within four trading session..... 

this funny trader using ml, rx...will get his reward.....

Teddy Halim <teddy.halim@> wrote:

So what is the predicament today? Another blood bath?



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