Friday, 3 Apr 2009

Rally Latecomers Should Sit Tight

With the Dow at 8,000, investors have already missed the first part of
the market's rebound rally, Cramer said during Friday's Stop
Trading!. So they need the discipline to wait for part two to begin.

He pointed to PPG Industries [PPG  44.56  
f]   2.51  (+5.97%)   
] <> , which at one point offered a 5.75%
dividend yield. Now that the stock is "roaring," the yield has
dropped to 4.75%. Given that change, Cramer had to admit that the PPG
trade had passed for now.

"I think you have to be willing to say, `I missed it,'" he

--- In, Vic-milis <milis9...@...> wrote:
> apa aja yg bisa dipertimbangkan untuk tek-tok pak?
> ini kebingunan newbie seperti saya juga, kl sudah TP, punya cash...
> bingung..
> kl sudah ambil posisi, hagra turun.... panik
> salam
> 2009/4/3 "::Pak_AA:": abdul.rahman.ra...@...
> >   Tektok aja om
> > Masih banyak yang bisa ditektok koq dengan resiko yang lebih kecil
> >
> > 2009/4/3 kelvin Chang kelvin.chan...@...<>
> > >:
> >
> > > pak JT, gmn msh bs buy gak di level ini ( 1500 ), atau kalau mau
> > di
> > > range brp pak???
> > > tq b4
> >
> >

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